Dex Darrington

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Waking up in Dex's embrace had to be the highlight of my life over the past few- well my whole life really. Never have I felt so content, safe, and warm as I did as I lay here wrapped up in his tanned and defined arms.

Why did I feel so close to someone after knowing them for such a short amount of time? Did I feel indebted to him, is that way I felt such a strong connection? Because he was making my life, no matter how short, seem worth it? 

"Do you know that you're pretty hot when you concentrate hard on something?" Dex's husky morning voice questioned as he pulled me snug against his body. I snort in response. "No really," He tells me as he sits up, his green eyes dark with sleep, his hair had the perfect bed-head look, and his lips were an inviting pink. The way he was watching me was making my emotions stir again causing me to circle back to my earlier questions. "See, there it is. You scrunch up your eyebrows in the cutest way," He comments, kissing the wrinkled up skin between my brows "And you nibble ever so gently on your bottom lip." He whispers before tugging my lip away from my teeth with his finger. 

"Ali, I need you to promise me something." Dex's voice was firm though it was barely over a whisper.

"It depends." I whisper back shyly.

"Promise that you wont try to run from me again; you mean too much to me Ali, I want to spend every moment possible with you." Dex told me so softly with the most vulnerable look that I could barely believe that this was Dex Darrington. 

I smiled softly in return "I promise, Dex." my face broke into a grin as he kissed me, this wasn't the Dex Darrington everyone knew, no, this was my Dex that only I knew.

Dex and I stayed in bed for about another hour just enjoying each others company when the smell of pancakes and bacon pulled us from our cuddle session.

"I swear to he that is holy and the creator of all, if you so much as look at my damn bacon, I will castrate you!" Cora threatened loudly making me giggle as Dex and I made our way down the stairs.

"I'll take some bacon!"  I called enthusiastically as I rushed to the counter where the bar seats were.

I climbed into one of the seats as everyone watched me with eyes that said 'we know something'. "What?" I mumbled as I pulled a plate towards myself.

"You two have been in bed for quite a while, what is it that you two have been doing to kill time?" Cora asked with a wink, her dark hair piled on top of her head wobbling slightly.

I felt my cheeks redden as I stuffed my mouth full of pancake. The boys let out whistles and cheers as Dex came up behind me.

"What are you guys going on about? " Dex asked stiffly.

"What you guys have been doing for the past two hours in bed- I mean two hours? Are you trying to make the whole male population look ba-" Flynn was cut of by Dex throwing my fork at him.

"Make you all look bad because I have a beautiful girlfriend. Make every male look bad because I'm perfectly fine with sharing a bed with said beautiful girlfriend just to hold her in my arms without trying anything? Yes." Everyone was quite as Dex made his plate.

"So," Dean started, his hair sticking up in different directions "You guys didn't have sex? I'm finding this hard to believe that you spent all night in bed withou-" I held my butter knife up to his face.

"What are you trying to suggest Dean? That I sleep around, that makeup sex is something I do? Hm? That's what I thought, now shut up and bring me bacon and coffee." I ordered him before pulling my butter knife back down on my pancake, slicing it delicately into bite size pieces.

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