Chapter 6.

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Cora was French through and through. She had French feelings, French ideas, French styles and even French arrogance. Henry knew all this first hand and didn't mind the French kissing all that much or her fierce nature which she translated in bed.
She had many faults - and they were legion - but hearing wasn't one of them even in her age so it was pure foolishness when Barbara muttered," I wish I had some poison handy or better yet I would love to knock her unconscious with that cane and see how she likes it."
She had been running back and forth to the kitchen ever since cora happened so who could blame her if she felt murderous and anyway hadn't Henry himself entertained such fantasies for years and come to know them for what they were. Moreover, Cora easily inspired such thoughts but she knew they will always be just that. A pipe dream. If only she knew how many times he had killed her in his mind already she wouldn't sleep peacefully next to him or come close to him ever. But judging from her knowing smile she seemed privy to some secret knowledge that they didn't know. She even looked like she had gotten laid recently which left him to wonder who she was cheating on him with. He couldn't put it past her and the fear she inspired him didn't leave him much room for such dabbling. He just knew she would smell treachery in him but what he didn't know was what she would do for the parties involved.

"I would love to see you try that."
Cora challenged and said something in French that would have been followed by excuse my French if she had cared for such conventional behavior.

Poison. That was a thought though after living with Cora for years he knew no poison was potent enough to terminate her so if Barbara thought she could easily get rid of Cora with such a plan she had something else coming. The lady didn't even get sick after all which bacteria would dare to use her body as a host. For all they knew her blood was lethal. She was the devil's incarnate if there was ever one. Evil, and henry could wager good money on this, had a personal meaning to her. Surely, whoever said hell was empty and all the demons were here on earth knew what they were talking about.

Barbara had totally outdone herself but as expected nothing satisfied the old hag least of all where Barbara was concerned. The China gleamed and the food was well prepared but she was already prepared to see what Cora would find wrong. She didn't have to wait long.
And people wondered why wife's hate their moms in law. Personally, she could come up with a hundred page summary of why. Which she would name why I hate Cora the viper demon.
Not so long ago Cora had gone to the doctor for some lift and tucks on her aging face and decided to get a face glow and instead she had gotten second degree burns. It was a pity at least for the poor American doctor who had lost his license and was still facing the wrath of Cora who still couldn't go out into the sun. A great symbolism for the the vampire she really was. Barbara, the supportive daughter in law had been to her side in no time and still had the pictures. She had even created a scrap book with Cora looking as if she had been fried. As if she had escaped from hell. She still found humor in that and she would share the joy by leaking the pictures. She was waiting for the right time after all revenge was better served cold.
"Statistics show a man get mugged every five minutes in New York. At least you finally did something right."
Cora stated.

"The man should have more sense and move here too."
Barbara said eliciting a laughter from Elizabeth. The levity through did nothing to alleviate her tension. Richard, Jason's older brother had just arrived and she could tell he was also surprised by the unexpected turn of events. Surely, the world was smaller than they thought. She had expected him to be in the spirit of full disclosure and tell the truth but apparently he had no plan to let the cat of the bag more than she. For her, at least there was more at stake hence a part of her was relieved by the development if not weighed down by the guilty conscience. Talk about mixed feelings.
The introduction had been awkward enough but Jason buoyed by celebratory mood hadn't even caught the nuances and tension between them. The hug which was the highlight of the reunion hadn't been the bare clicks of bones where passion had run its course for old lovers. That fact, she didn't know how to react to. The heat was still there and judging from his eyes he still wanted her. The jury was still out on whether she reciprocated the sentiments though she had no plans to act on the attraction. Which was a sure road to perdition. He was the past and she was more than Willing to let him stay there which was easier said than done with his glare burning holes in her.
The future that had been so beautiful and full of promise was now bleak and too uncertain to contemplate.

"Don't you have any French dressing or any French dishes at that?"
Cora's voice pulled Elizabeth from her musings as she poked at nouvelle cuisine Barbara had taken the pain to prepare.

"Can't we have a normal family dinner and just get along."
Richard asked as if already tired of all the drama.

"Normal families don't get along fine least of all with someone like Cora in the bosom of the family."
Barb said dropping in her seat looking frazzled and worn out, "and that's a French dish. I also prepared Chinese and Russian."

"I don't get it why I fought in the cold war to come home and eat a Russian sauce. It beats logic."
Hunk said serving himself a generous helping of fried chicken.

"Cold war?"

"But of course. I was on the front Line and I even have scars to show."
Henry said seriously making Jason laugh and others to smile. Even Cora grinned as she poured Pinot Noir into her mouth for there was no other word for how she swallowed. She didn't drink like normal people.

"You,"cora barked pointing at Elizabeth," what your story?"

"I am from Prague and though life hasn't dealt me with a fair hand I followed the path life put me in and made the best of it. I tried modelling and now I am a proud business Lady."

"That's not true. Like Hitler that would mean Cora is a victim of her own fate because she was put in a certain path but we choose the direction our life takes."
Henry reasoned. .

"Life. Destiny. Who cares. what's done is done and thinking about it changes nothing. I just live it other than internalize its layers and meaning."

"That's the spirit and what good does it do to be thinking about life and while at it you getting run over by a train."
Cora put in.

"What would you be doing on the train tracks not that I don't find merit in the idea."
Henry smiled.

Barbara said.

"What matters is that I met her and I am marrying her."

Jason said taking Elizabeth's hand and kissing it.
Henry sniffed dubbing his eyes,"don't mind me old age has soften me. I am sentimental at my age."

"Are you sure it's old age?"
Richard said suggestively looking at Cora.

"Sarcasm doesn't become you son."

And determined to ignore them he turned to Elizabeth,"you said you are a business Lady what line of business are you in?"
As the others picked up the thread of different conversations.

"Take it from me any successful business man should see with absolute clarity what's happening and it would do you good to know where there is muck there is brass."

"What does an unsuccessful business lady see?"
Elizabeth asked.

"How should I know that I never failed in any business venture."
Henry said with a conceited arrogance that didn't really surprise Elizabeth.

"I am ready to retire to bed now. Jason help me to my room."
Cora said as Jason jumped up to do her bidding. No sooner had the door shut behind them than Barbara said
"Can you believe her. Rude, Ill tempered old cunt."

"That's my mom-"
Richard drew short when Barbara gave him a murderous glare.

"You will just be like her when you are her age."
Henry said with relish.

Barbara said shivering at the possibility," I will as soon put a bullet through my ears."
She added with a conviction that had Henry, her husband and her son laughing.

"It's either her or me."
She said and pushed back from her seat.
Henry chuckled
"Famous last words."

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