A note

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The angel walked slowly while looking around at every corner, she inhaled deeply knowing that there was dangers she will get herself into. As she walked down the rocky path flames erupted next to her. That didn't stop the angel from trespassing. She kept walking more faster by the second, each step she took, the more her feet started to burn of the flames dancing around her ankles. The angel closed her eyes letting out little hisses of pain, she tightened her grip on the music box in her hand. "This is not a punishment~ come here I'm your paradise~" a sweet melody echoed against her ear, the angel couldn't help but smile. Every fear she felt was gone just by the single line. To her the melody sounded so sweet yet dangerous but she couldn't help it. The angel walked to the voice instead of where she was supposed to go, "If I'm ruining you~" the voice was more closer, the angel didn't know what her body was doing but all she knew was that it worked on its own. "I'm taking over you~" the angel opened her eyes. As soon as she did she wished she never did, she wished she never followed the voice. She felt herself lean on a hard chest, she didn't even need to look at the person to know that he or she had a well built upper body.

Before she could blink the now captive angel felt metal slam against her wrists, she resented her mission now, she knew there was going to be dangers but not this dangerous that she would die. "I'm taking over you angel~" the angel felt the stranger whisper in her ear slyly. From that moment everything she ever had in her life was gone forever, the demon who held her still in his arms was fully in control of her and there was nothing she could do about it.

- Day 1

The angel stared at the sheets of paper in front of her, on the white quartz table there was a music box. The angel couldn't speak a word as she kept staring in awe at the beautiful object in front of her, she didn't believe what she was seeing. She faced the person who gave it to her, the emperor of the heavens. She smiled kindly at him, she didn't know if the question was right to ask but she asked anyway "master why are you giving this old holy token to me?" She asked wearily. The room around her was full of gold and jewels that was found deep in the earth, every legend that was hidden from humans was kept behind the wall with many weavings that told old stories of how the world came to be.

The emperor didn't glare at the young girl or snarled at how she dared to ask such a question to someone in high command, he could throw her in white fire and make sure she burns till there's nothing but ashes that represent her, however he didn't. He only placed the music box in her hand, he knew something would happen but he wanted to test the girl out first before announcing that she's apart of the 4 holy guardians. The 4 holy guardians are the angels who protect the old preserved items that was secretly hidden in a room that no other angel knew about, except the 4 girls who were apart of the prophecy. These angels would be selected from birth and become immortal in order to forever protect the old ancient items. The spot for that was very important that every angel wanted the spot for themselves. What none of the angels knew was that when you become apart of the prophecy you have to make vows, with each vow you can't break them unless you want your death. The vows were to never tell any personal information about the objects to anyone, never give up your maiden identity, never put yourself before anyone else and last but not least forever know your place. The 4 selected angels knew the vows and had different feelings about it.

The angel stared at the music box with confusion visible in her hazel eyes, the music box was too pretty for anyone to look at for more then a few seconds. The music box was made out of pure heaven clouds which were used in ancient times to built walls and cities, around the corners was golden lining made out of strong magical weaving techniques. On the middle of the music box was a symbol made out of pure gold that was hard to break, even if you dropped the music box it can never break.

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