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- day 2

Rose found herself laying on a bed of thorns, she sat up and looked around to see where she was. She knew every place in heaven and what she was seeing didn't match Heaven at all. Around her the walls were painted with blood, negative words and creepy skulls was placed around her, the floor didn't look stable either. On the ground there was cracks everywhere with fire peeking out the little holes. Rose stood up and carefully walked to the cracks, as soon as she placed her foot down she noticed she wasn't wearing any shoes which was strange since she made sure she slept with something on her feet. It was strange she did that but she had to, there was a con about being 'special'. No matter how many magical abilities you had you always have a flaw in order to be perfect like the rest, but not too perfect. Rose flaw was that if too much coldness gets to her feet she falls to her own death. Rose shook the feeling off that something was odd and knelt down to where the crack was, she traced her gentle fingers on the crack edges. The edges felt like leather against her skin, the feeling was somewhat pleasing to her, the angel froze as soon as she realised what was going on. Rose bit her lip while pressing her thumb on the edge more harder making sure she received a cut, the guilt of lying cause her to dream of such horrible thoughts. "So this is the feeling of getting punished?" She mumbled bitterly, she never knew what pain felt like but now she did. And she hated it. Yet she knew she deserved it. The guilt filled angel stood up again and walked more forward, she wanted to fall down the pit and burn to ashes, she felt as if she wasn't worthy to be called 'prophecy angel' anymore.

She walked more and more closer to the pit until she felt something burn her arm, the angel let out a scream of pain when the sudden flame traveled up from her spine to her heart. The sound of keys clicking could be heard from the distance, the angel suddenly panicked and squirmed around to see where she was, she looked to her right to see chains and torture devices proudly hanging of the wall. Next to the torture devices was ropes,handcuffs,whips,knifes,guns,swords,holy water that was filled with acid and many more. The sight of the weapons made the angel feel small and terrified. She knew where she was and she didn't like it, she felt scared and small but what she was mostly scared of was who was the master of this torture room. The angel looked to her left to see cages, white golden cages that was personally created to trap angels. All of a sudden the sound of cage keys was heard next to her slamming onto the cage, she turned around hoping to see a dent on the cage, sadly there wasn't. She looked up to see unfamiliar brown eyes staring into her own, the look the person gave her wasn't sweet at all. The look was made out of pure evil, the person was obviously a male. From head to toe the mysterious guy looked attractive, the angel didn't want to think he was attractive but she couldn't help it. Everything about him seemed dangerous and interesting, which she never really found in a guy. 'No you're a maiden, you shouldn't think like that about males' she thought to herself and mentally cursed to herself, she made sure she took in the guy appearance. He had chocolate brown hair, his lips was a perfect cherry red colour. She didn't want to think his lips was naturally red, to her bad luck it was. The guy seemed to be 6'1, his skin was pale white. The outfit he was wearing made rose want to curl up in a ball of how attractive and sexy he was, she would never use that word to describe someone but this young man in front of her was a exception. The suit he wore fit his appearance perfectly, he looked like those ceos you'll only find in hell. Then the thought got her 'I'm in hell' she realised, she regretted thinking that this demon in front of her was attractive, she wanted to escape this dreadful dream. The man raised his eyebrow in amusement at her behaviour, he slipped his hand in and caressed her cheek softly "naughty angel, no one told you about the melody huh? Oh well it's too late now to leave. Actually" he opened the cage door, the angel noticed that she was in a bird cage. The bird cage was built with ethereal mist, the mist creates objects that can never be broken. This material was always used against angels, how this demon got the ethereal mist? The angel didn't know. All she knew was that she was trapped in a nightmare.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2018 ⏰

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