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Eight Years Ago

I leaned against the tiled wall of the bathroom. My aching head rested against is cool surface providing me some relief. My stomach twists and turns although at had just emptied all the contents into the toilet moments ago. This has been going on nonstop for the past week. Every morning like clockwork I wake up and I am sprinting to the bathroom. My aunt is starting to get worried but I convinced her it is a small stomach bug since it's the beginning of flu season. Even though I said that I am starting to get quite concerned too.

I know my body and my immune system would've kicked up a notch to eliminate the virus in little to two to three days. But its lasting lomgwr than I expected. I have tests to study for and a job to go to I can't afford to get sick. So I scheduled a doctors appointment in hopes of getting a better prescription and back on my feet in little to less than twenty-four hours.

"Congratulations Mr.Parker, you're pregnant."Okay, I wasn't expecting that.

It is quite common for men to get pregnant but I for one didn't expect to be one of them.

"I-I'm sorry can you repeat that."I asked clearing out my ears to be sure I heard him correctly.

My doctor, Dr.Banner, smiles gently and repeats his congrats."Do you have any questions?"

"Yeah like how did I end up pregnant?"I muttered. Before the doctor could give his scienctific explonation I stopped him."No no I understand that part but I do not recall sleeping with anyone in the past three weeks."

"Well I might have some theories,"Doc replied scratching stubble on his chin."Lets retrace your steps that happened three weeks ago. Anything out of the ordinary?"

I thought back on what I usually did those three weeks ago. I went to school as usual. I did freelancing work for Mr.Jamison. Did some arronds for Aunt May. As I listed everything off, there was memory coming to the surface.

"My best friends house party!"How the hell did I forget that?

Harry practically begged me to attend to his party since I barely every took part in them. His father was out of town for two weeks and Harry took it as his advantage. That week I was in a bit under pressure due to work and the up coming test that our teacher just randomly threw at us on a subject he didn't teach yet. So I agreed to go to release the stress.

I remember having a good time. Dancing, drinking and mingling with others from my classes. And then I bumped into. . .Fuck!

I can't help but fidget in my spot outside the home of the father of my child. I had thought long and hard of whether or not to inform him that he was going to be a father. But its best to be safe then sorry just in case he does want to be in their lives, but if he doesn't I wouldn't care either way. I have my aunts support that's all I need.

Sucking in a breath and slowly letting it out I approach the door and rang the doorbell. Waiting for an answer felt like an eternity as I anxiously rock back and forth on my heels. He's probably not home I thought with a simple shrug.

When I turn my back to leave the door opens to reveal the person I came to see. He stares down at me with a questionable look.

"What are you doing here Parker?"He frowns.

"Um hey Flash, funny you should ask that well um."I couldn't find the correct words as his bright blue eyes pierce down at me.

You see Flash and I never were close, like at all. Eugene "Flash" Thompson is the star football player of our high school and like most jocks they have a toy to kick around. I am that toy. Yes I am a nerd and I've known Flash since the third grade and since I am small, a nerd and easy to pick on, I'm Flash's target.

So you may wonder how I ended up sleeping with my bully? Easy, too much alchol had blocked my conscience and reading the warning signs that buzzed through my head. And as a result here I am standing here to tell my bully that I'm knocked up with his kid.

"Spite it out Parker I don't have all day."Flash spat.

"Alright alright. You know Garry's party three weeks ago? Well you and I sorta-

"Fucked? Yeah I know. "


"You didn't give me anything did you?"Flash glared.

"What! No no no nothing like that."

"Then what is it come Parker spite it out already!"

"I'm pregnant alright!"I shout out in frustration.

Flash stares directly in my eyes searching for any hint of a lie. Flash isn't the type to easily convince. I'm not due for an ultra sound for another two weeks so till then I have no evidence of a baby growing inside of me.

"Come with me to the doctors in two weeks, I'm appointed for an ultra sound. There you'll have your proof."I said sternly.

"Fine but you're lying to me Parker, I'll your life an even more of a living Hell."With that Flash slams the door in my face.

That went well.

"So this is really happening? "Flash asks a bit flabbergasted after the trip to the doctors. We each had sonograms of the little one who is no larger than a bean.

"I'm not getting rid of it."I said."With or without you I am taking care of it."

Flash stares at the small paper in his large hands. He gently caress the place were our child could be seen. Never have I seen the guy so gentle and secure with anyone or anyone.

"It takes two, Parker."Flash began."I want to be in the kids life, I'll help in any ways I can to support you both."

I had my doubts that Flash would change. There were times that in the past that he did say sweet things to only bring me down later but seeing the sincerity in his eyes, I believed him.And true to his word Flash did change. He got a well paying job as an engineer, he stood by me through the whole pregnancy and my side in the delivery room, holding my hand.

I delivered a son, Eithan "Blaze" Thompson. He has a small patch of brown hair on top of his head and clear blue eyes that will probably darken over time. As I held him I couldn't believe what I was seeing from the corner of my eyes. Eugene Thompsom was crying tears of joy.

"Thank you Peter."So shocked by him calling me by my name I was little prepared for the chaste kiss that followed.

"Will you marry me Peter Parker? "

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