Meeting y/n

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Sans pov

Papyrus came ack home from shopping holding a bag that had something alive in it. I asked papyrus "heya pap, what's in the bag?", papyrus then said "OPEN IT AND FIND OUT BROTHER". I opened the bag and saw a (fur color) cat, with e/c eyes. It meowed at me and jumped out of the bag and onto my lap, it then purred and rubbed itself against me. It's fur is really soft though, I look at papyrus with a look that wants an explanation. Papyrus then said "DO YOU LIKE IT BROTHER? WE FIGURED THAT HAVING A THERAPY PET WOULD HELP YOUR EMOTIONAL STATE", well, he wasn't wrong, I don't feel nearly as sad as I was when I was alone. I ask pap "what's it's name?", papyrus says "HER NAME IS Y/N". So it's a girl, ok. I then saw that her name was also on her collar and kinda felt a little stupid for not noticing it sooner. Putting that aside, I quickly began to grow attached the this cat.

(Time skip brought to you by pink dog meme)

It's been 3 weeks/one month since I got y/n, and I have to admit, she's an obedient, caring cat. I don't think she's ever played with anything she wasn't supposed to play with. She's also kept my night terrors away just by sleeping with me at night, and despite not being de-clawed, she doesn't use her claws much. Y/n has also followed me everywhere I go, Even when I go to grillbys! She just chills in my hood until I sit down, after I sit down, she jumps out and sits down on the seat next to me and receives a bowl of milk from grillby and makes sure I don't get drunk. Plus, she's allowed in buildings because her collar reads "therapy animal at work". But in some buildings, y/n has to be on a leash, or something I can hold on to her with. I can tell y/n doesn't really like the leash, but she will deal with it when she has to. Today, everyone was having a picnic at some park. I had teleported papyrus, y/n and I to the park to find where toriel had set everything up. Once we found her, we all walked over to her to see that we were the last ones there. We all said hi and sat down. Mettaton started flirting with papyrus after we got done eating and I was not happy with it. Y/n must've sensed my anger because she walked over to mettaton and started hissing. Y/n then moved herself in front of papyrus, as if protecting him. Undyne saw what was happening and pulled mettaton away from papyrus, y/n lifted her head in approval and walked back to me. I smiled at her and pet her head, y/n purred and sat down in my lap. Mettaton glared at me and y/n, while everyone else kinda had snickering and grinning faces that said "ooooooh mettaton just got roasted by a cat". Alphys then said "w-well, I'm glad that y/n I-is improving your emotional s-state sans", everyone nodded and hummed in agreement. Y/n then hopped up on my skull and sat here proudly. My permanent grin grew a little feeling y/n's paws on my skull. I felt her jump off of my skull and saw her land on the ground next to me. I then heard barking from a dog and saw y/n climb the tree we were under. Then, papyrus lifted me up as a German Shepard sped through where I was sitting and started barking at the tree. Y/n then started meowing for help, so I climbed the tree (with a little help from papyrus) until I saw y/n. She climbed to the middle top of the tree! Luckily, she was right above me. I held my arms out for her to jump, showing that I would catch her. The owner of the dog came and apologized before dragging their barking dog away. Y/n then jumped and I caught her. As she landed in my arms, I said "gotcha". I then pulled her away from my body a little bit and asked "are you ok y/n?", looking her over to see if she got hurt at all. I didn't find anything, and y/n didn't give any signs that she was hurt, but she climbed into my hood and stayed there until we got home. I could tell that y/n was petrified from the whole thing that went down at the park, but I'm just glad that the dog didn't get to her first. I was petting y/n while sitting on the couch. Eventually, y/n and I both ended up falling asleep.

Papyrus pov

Sans and I both knew that y/n was pretty scared if she ran up a tree. I felt bad for y/n at the moment, but I was surprised to see sans trying to climb the tree y/n went up. I helped him up to one of the branches and sans climbed the rest of the way up to y/n, well..... almost. He got right below y/n and got her to jump into his arms. While this was happening, the owner of the German Shepard that scared y/n came over, apologized, and dragged their barking dog away. Y/n and sans then got down and sans looked over y/n for any injuries. Once y/n knew he was done, she climbed into his hood and poked her head out. It was cute to see, but we all knew y/n was scared to touch the ground now, out of fear that she will be chased by another dog. Y/n did seem to nuzzle the back of sans' skull, sans looked back at y/n with concern in his eye sockets. Sans then held out his hand, I took it and sans then reached back and held y/n and we teleported back home. Y/n saw that we were back home and jumped from sans to the couch, sans then plopped down on the couch and y/n got in top of him, both of them soon falling asleep.

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