Further bonding time

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Y/n's pov

I've been learning how to manage my human and cat form. Sans said that I should show him my favorite songs, so I started browsing around, finding the songs I liked. Sans popped in on me a few times to see what I was doing, sans ended up just watching me after a while. I made my list of favorite songs, and gave it to sans. I changed back into my cat form so I could be in my human form more often, and watched sans go over the list. Sans went through the whole list of songs, he said "huh, some of 'em are pretty good". Sans then typed something in his phone, and said "lets go into the living room, I bet papyrus would wanna see this". I nodded in agreement, and followed sans to the living room. Papyrus was in the living room, watching mettatons tv show. The theme of the show was sibling love, it looked like pap was taking notes, but why? I ran ahead of sans and looked at his notes, he had...... nothing. The paper was blank, sans decided to stay by the stairs and watch me do my work. I pawed papyrus' shoulder and meowed, papyrus picked me up and set me in his lap. It was then that I noticed he was in the brink of tears, he had my absolute attention. Papyrus surprisingly spoke in a soft, shaky voice. "Hey y/n", pap sniffed, "why do I feel like I'm failing as a brother? It seems like the only thing I'm good for is making spaghetti. I'm always left out of the loop, and sans is always hiding things from me. It makes me feel useless to him". Papyrus then hugged me and started crying, sans looked guilty and concerned. Once pap was done, I got out of his lap and turned back into my human form. I then said "pap, making spaghetti is not the only thing your good for. You always manage to bring a smile to everyone's face without flaw. You make sans happy when you're happy, the only reason sans hides things from you is because he doesn't want to burden you with his problems. Now that I have a human form, I remember my siblings. I was to little to remember their names, but all I know was that we were separated so I could train. In all honesty, I don't know where they are. I don't know if their alive or not, and it worries me. No, it haunts me. But, when you brought me here, I had a new family. You guys, you guys are my family. You and sans resembled my brothers so much, that I quickly grew to love you as family. So don't cry papyrus, and if you ever feel left out, just let me know. I'll try to help fill you in, unless I'm left out of the loop too. In that case I wouldn't be much help, heheh". Papyrus wiped the tears from his eyes and said "thank you y/n, that meant a lot to me", I nodded my head and said "anytime pap", then turned back into my cat form. Papyrus then stood up and saw sans sitting on the steps, sans got up and ran toward papyrus. Sans then tackle hugged papyrus, and I jumped on top of sans. Sans and papyrus were laughing, and I just purred, unable to laugh normally in my cat form. Sans then said "I think getting y/n was the best thing that ever happened to us", papyrus yelled "AGREED". We eventually got off of each other, and sans put some music from the list I made on, turning off papyrus' show in the process, and we enjoyed listening to music. I could tell sans was happy that I helped his brother, I'm just happy knowing that I helped bring happiness to them. Eventually, it was time for dinner. Papyrus said he wanted to learn how to cook something other than spaghetti, so I turned back into my human form, and taught him how to make mac n' cheese. We did have to go back to the store for a box of mac n' cheese, butter, and milk; but that's beside the point. Papyrus found it was quite easy to make mac n' cheese, he didn't even need a lot of help. He just followed the instructions on the side of the box. Sans actually decided to open up to papyrus, he told him everything. Sans told him about his night terrors, the timelines, the genocide runs, and the reason he makes puns all the time. Papyrus then opened up and told sans about how he knew more than everyone thought he did with his facade, and then it was my turn. I told them about how my life was before papyrus got me. I explained as best as I could how my "childhood" was and that I agreed to the experiment because I wanted to better understand sans and papyrus. I even explained the training I went through; it wasn't bad, I was just taken to mental hospitals and nursing homes to learn how to cheer people up and stuff. I ended up having to explain what both a nursing home and a mental hospital are to them. They understood, but it seemed they were still curious. I just told them to look it up online, because I wouldn't be able to explain it to them if I tried. I then turned back into a cat, given my human time was up. I then saw the box of mac n cheese on the counter, sans noticed and used his telekinesis to put the box on the ground. I tried to see if I could fit in the box by running face first into it. I only ended up getting the first half on my body into the box, I realized that I needed to take a different approach. I tried to get out, but only ended up backing up a little. Since my front paws were inside the box I was stuck, I then heard laughter coming from sans and papyrus. I meowed for help, but that only caused more laughter to ensue. I was laughing in my head a little, but I was still stuck. I then started to use my claws to cut through the cardboard, since both sans and papyrus were laughing to hard to help me. Once I got a tiny hole in the box, I used my paws to push the box off of me. I then saw sans and papyrus nearly crying with laughter, sans was on the floor, and papyrus was still at the table, struggling to stay upright. I got the feeling that they were laughing at me, not with me. I picked up the pieces of cardboard with my mouth and put it in the trash can, cleaning up after myself. Sans and papyrus were now chuckling, wiping tears from their eye sockets. I felt a wave of shame and guilt wash over me, my ears and tail drooped down and I just sat in shame. Once sans and papyrus stopped laughing, they noticed my expression. Sans and papyrus instantly apologized and sans said "I'm sorry y/n, pap and I just thought you getting stuck in a box was funny that's all", I just turned into my human form and said "yet you didn't think to help me? How would you feel if you were stuck and I was just laughing at you instead of trying to help you out?". Sans and papyrus have stopped laughing by now and we're thinking about it, sans said "I'd feel embarrassed and kinda sad..... betrayed a little too I guess". Papyrus then said "YEAH, BETRAYED AND SAD. SORRY Y/N, WE DIDN'T MEAN TO MAKE YOU FEEL BAD", sans added "yeah, we're sorry y/n". I could tell sans and papyrus felt really guilty, even a little too guilty. I hugged both of them and said "it's okies, I forgive you. Just don't do that again", I then turned back into a cat again and I then knew that my human time was up. Sans eventually read papyrus his bed time story and went to bed, I did the same and I fell into a dreamless sleep.

Life is PURR- fect with you in it (sans x cat reader)Where stories live. Discover now