Dear Time

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Dear time!

Your my friend, your my enemy.

Your the one I fight against my whole life and sometimes I hate you. You are our doom. But your also the thing around us and we can never lose you.

Time, I have to thank you. You make memories, you make my life worth time (pun intendent(Oh you didn't laugh, oh hehe) just so you know). Time you keep me in a constant moving forward even tho I don't think I can. You help me when I'm hurt, to keep me moving even when I don't want to because you never stop. In this second, just this second I'm happy that you help me. You help me move forward. Thank you!

Time, I hate you. You make peoples life go so fast by that just as we get to know them their life is over and the only thing I have left is you and your constant pushing. When I want something to be over you go so slow, but when I have fun you move so fast. Why??

Yes Time, I hate you and I love you.


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