7: Myths & Legends

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Juno stood shivering and looking at this behemoth in front of her oddly. She kept shaking her head and muttering. No, it couldn't be. She flung her hands in the air and scoffed. Cian stood against the wall again, eyebrows raised as he watched Juno pace back and forth, muttering furiously and shooting dangerous little glares at him every so often. He opened his mouth to speak and as if sensing it she held up a finger, instantly quieting him. She didn't know how long they had been stood out here for but she knew she was cold, she wanted to kiss Cian again and she also wanted to know what the bloody hell he was or why he could possibly be her mate. Her wolf was screaming at her to mark him but she was wary.

"Juno!" She heard a shout from behind her and whirled around to see her brother stalking across the outside of her apartment, with the rest of the wolves in tow. Cian froze behind her and muttered something before Juno felt a whoosh of air surround her.

Her brother came within five feet of her before meeting an invisible wall and falling straight onto the pavement with a thud. He shot up to his feet with a growl as the other wolves circled him, turning to Juno in question and staring at Cian behind her, who was still leaned casually against the wall. Jake eyed Juno's state of dress and frowned at Cian, who met Jake's glare straight on without a flinch.

"Juno," Kane growled, "What's going on?"

Juno turned with her hands on her hips.

"I dunno Kane, I really do not know."

"Why is he here?" Jake shot, eyeing the tall length of Cian.

Juno looked behind at Cian, chewing her lip. Why was he here?

"He's my mate," Juno almost whispered but she knew their ears will have picked it up.

Katie opened her mouth in shock and Macey frowned. Nick was twiddling a dagger between his fingers while Joe remained expressionless, something he was far too good at. Juno didn't want to look at her brother and she definitely didn't want to look at Jake.

"Why didn't he mark you?" Katie asked finally after a tense moment of silence.

Juno hadn't expected that line of questioning.

"Erm..." She said and shrugged, "Well, he's not a wolf for one."

The frowns on their faces deepened.

"But, that's not possible," Joe muttered.

Didn't Juno know it. It was very rare for a wolf to meet their true mate, another wolf that they were truly meant to be with and when they did they would be inseparable for life. Wolves could have babies and live happily with humans and their children were most likely to be werewolves, albeit quite weak werewolves. Yet, there was no record or no instance of a wolf having a mate that was anything other than a wolf. Marriage, partners, whatever, yes. But, mates? That didn't happen.

"How can you be sure?" Jake asked.

Juno turned to look at Cian.

"It's like pure electricity," She breathed and his lip quirked at her. "It's like when we touch our skin is made of fire and there's this spark that runs through my whole body."

"That sounds like a mate bond to me," Nick said, grinning and rubbing the scarred mark on the base of his neck.

"Is he a witch?" Her brother asked, glaring.

Cian scoffed.

"I am no witch!" He growled, his accent becoming prominent in anger.

Jake squinted his eyes at Cian and then widened them before spitting a few words in a language that Juno didn't recognise. Cian barked a short laugh.

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