Legacy's Invitation

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           Before School Starts
"Is this the end of the beginning?
Or the beginning of the end?"
    - Black Sabbath

"Rachel!" I called out, seeing her passing in the hall, on her way to First Period, but, to my dismay, no luck getting her attention. The intercom cut in, ruining any chances I had of getting her attention. "Will all Freshman please report to the cafeteria, immediately!" I stopped and waited for Rachel to return, as she had just came from that direction.

On her way back, I tapped her shoulder and said,"Rachel, did I miss an important message? Why are we reporting to the food court?" She replied," isn't it the Guardian Academy?" "Of course! How could I forget? Let's get going!" I began to nearly run to the cafeteria.

I paused and realized I had left Rachel, waited on her to catch up. We began to walk and I caught a glimpse of "thirty-two" walking with Taylor, sneaking up behind them, I yelled," THIRTY-TWO!" watching as two lovers both nearly jumped out of their boots.

"H- how's it goin', Gabe?" He asked ignoring the fact that I had scared both of them. "Pretty good, not much really happening though." I replied.

As we entered the cafeteria, the dull roar of hundreds of freshman got slowly louder until the principal walked to the stage, where everyone seemed to stop talking at the same time. "This rotation, the school has had the honor of sending 10 people to the Academy!" He paused as the cafeteria as a whole cheered, including me. When we all settled down, he continued. "We shall now announce our 2036 Guardians!" First, we shall announce our 5 selected for academic potential: Sarah "Ghost" Baker!" A handful of students applauded as Sarah walked up and grabbed her envelope, and the principal motioned her to his right.

Once she was standing next to him, he continued "Next is Rachel "Lotherial" Kennedy!" Most of the cafeteria applauded some even standing up. I joined in the applauding as I watched Rachel, my best friend stolen away from me. She walked up to the stage, grabbed the envelope, and stood next to Sarah.

"Next is," he paused before saying," Robert "Chrome" Seaborn!" I applauded, unlike most of the other students, watch as another friend was ripped away from me.

"Fourth is Taylor "Kitty" Juel!" I watched as two hearts were broken and another of my friends was stolen from my grasp, where after this day I would probably never see again.

"We have one more academic prodigies before we move onto our athletes! Ok, last is Gabriel "Legacy" Johnson!" I stood up, not caring about who applauded for me, yet I knew in the back of my head most people probably wouldn't be. I grabbed my envelope and stood next to Rachel, listening to the audience applaud the "Academic Prodigies"

The principal continued, but the cafeteria still at a point where it was hard to hear him," I shall now introduce to you, the physically talented Guardians, starting with Elizabeth "The Calvary" Baker!"

The applaud from our- audience- was louder than ever before. And for good reason, even though she had a boyfriend, many of the men (boys) from our school found her body- appealing.

"Next, we have Seth "Ultra" Jonson!" The noise of the cafeteria went up 10 fold- some of it in a good way, some in a "not so" good way. He was after all the boyfriend of "The Calvary."

"Third, we have Matty "Thirty-Two" Murphy!" I turned just in time to see Taylor go from depression to the happiest woman alive, and I was happy for her. All of her high-school life, I have seen her sought after him. To see him with another woman might have actually killed her.

"Fourth, we have Nick "Assassi- um Assassin" Lester." Little-to-no applause for the boy, he was known to be quite short-tempered, but from what I knew about him, his past was very similar to mine.

"Last but not least, we have..." He paused, increasing the suspense of the situation," John "Ace" Williams!" A rather short and skinny kid in the back stood and ran to the podium, being probably the fastest kid in the school.

The cafeteria roared with noises from the stage, staff, and students with increasing volume as the principal ordered everyone not on the stage back to class.

"We did it! We made it! Both of us, together!!!" I said to Rachel with anticipation of the yet to come. I turned to Matty who was still standing on the stage next to Taylor," This will be one hell-of-a ride,I sure am glad to be on it with you." He then leaned in, and much to her surprise, kissed Taylor.

As the ringing in my ears came to a stop, I realized just how lucky I was. Out of the 830 students, I was chosen- I was one of the 10, there was a one out of eighty-three chance and  I was picked. The fact that both Rachel AND I got picked surprised me even more, maybe it was just luck, but the more likely solution was that it was my past. My past, that nearly cost me everything, had finally gotten me something.

"Lothe, you won't believe how excited I am! My ears just now stopped ringing. The ferocity of 10th graders if ridiculous- especially when she is involved!" I said, gesturing towards "The Calvary." "I heard that!" Elizabeth retorted. "Good, I was talking about you, "The Calvary"!" I replied in my standard sarcastic tone. "Hey, at least my isn't "Legacy!"

I ignored her response, turning towards Seth just in time for him to charge me in the chest with his shoulder, launching me off my feet. "Don't mock THE CALVARY!!!" He starts, helping me up to my feet. "The more I think about it, they really should have called you dawg, cause you sure can howl." Landing upon him a worthy punch on the shoulder. I was then hit by not someone or something physical, but a wave of nausea. I started to fall backwards as Seth caught me and sat me down on the floor. This was the last thing I remember before I then, blacked out.

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