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Although you two shared third period throughout the year together, you and Bill Denbrough never really spoke to one another. Besides from the casual, " H-Hi ___," or "Hey Bill." It wasn't until the final day of school when he approached you.     " H-hey ____, what ah-are you drawing?" He questioned, glancing at your #2 pencil dancing against the sheet of paper you stole from the art room.
"Oh, this? Just a quick sketch of some obnoxious kid I saw in the hallway." He chuckled softly, examining the sketch. "What? Is something wrong with it?"
"No," he replied quickly. "I j-just know that k-kid" Bill unleashed a warm smile, "That's m-my friend R-R-Richie," He took a seat in the empty chair beside you, as you two talked the rest of the period, and he invited you to hang out.
Oh, you knew Richie Tozier. The kid was infamous around school for being the biggest flirt, and loser. Now, you dispelled these rumors, considering you've had your fair share of false rumors spread about you. So you didn't assume anything about him until you would talk to him. Which ended up being the first week off of school. You were at the store, picking up some chapstick your dehydrated lips craved. You bent down in the medical isle, eyes darting around for the brand you normally used, with no prevail. You opened your mouth, about to call for Mr. Keene's help. The man was a pervert, but he knew his store like the back of his hand. Before a word could muster out of your mouth a trio of boys from your grade came busting through the doors. Startled you yelped, catching the boys' attention. The three looked over to you in shock. "Uh, hi?" You waved at them, suddenly feeling a presence beside you. Swirving your head to the side, you lock eyes with Beverly Marsh grasping a box of Tampons behind her back. You and Beverly helped the boys steal the medical supplies as you two went out back together. Bev and Bill had here moment as you walked past, jealously leaking from your body. "Why does no body in Derry like me?" You thought.
"Damn. Hello hot mama," a curly haired boy with glasses stated standing next to the cubby injured boy on the floor. A bright red blush grazed your cheeks. "What's your name sweet cheeks?" The boy said, as the curly haired boy, who'd you learned was named 'Stan' rolled his eyes.

It was at the start of summer and you were already having enough of his Derry heat. It was bad enough when you were stuck in a stuffy classroom sitting behind Richie Tozier , but now you had to sit outside with a pitcher of watery lemonade, and wait for customers to stroll by. A short brown haired boy walked by with a cast wrapping his arm. "Hey, what happened to you?" You asked the boy. He stopped and started walking towards your stand whilst talking.
"Long story, how's your lemonade?" He asked grasping the pitcher.
"Eh, pretty shitty." You two chuckled. "I'm ___. "
"Eddie," he responded. Your eyes glanced down to his cast once more as you noticed something written on it. You got up and strolled up to him, only being a few inches taller than him. You lifted up his arm, his face heating up. "Who did this?"
"Gretta," he groaned. An idea popped into your head.
"Hold on," you started, flinging open your front door and bolting up your stairs. Eddie stood on the asphalt, anxiously waiting for what would happen. There she came running back and swinging the door closed, red marker in hand. "Give me your arm," he hesitantly put his arm forward as ____ drew a 'V' through the 'S' in loser.

You were in the library, searching for a new book to read. Your fingers traced the spines and picked up several, reading the descriptions. "Hey, need some help?" A chubby light brown haired boy questioned. " I know plenty of great books in this place." Ben took you along as you two both introduced yourselves to one another. "Here's a good one," Ben picked up a book from one of the shelves, handing it forward to you. You grabbed the book fingers touching Ben's, as you let your hand linger a little longer than necessary. You two were both blushing messes. As you continued back to your book hunting.
(Sorry this one was short, I didn't feel the need to lengthen it really)
You quickly became acquainted with Mike Hanlon, as you both worked for the same meat market. Because of this you two had several instances in which you had to make deliveries together.
+ Even when Bowers bullied Mike, you stood by his side
+Helping him if he drops any meat.
(Again sorry about the length)

You and Bev had always been close friends, bonding over the fact that you both were terrorized by Gretta.
+ Helping her with her haircut

You always knew about Stan, considering the two of you lived right across the street from each other. Yet you were never really friends. So on the first day of summer, your mom requested for you to hang out with him.
"Hey ____ sweetie, do you have anyone to hang out with today?" Your mother asked, leaning on the kitchen counter, facing you absorbed in your Walkman.
"No mom," you stated monotone, trying to get sucked back into your music. Before you could get back into your Prince, your mother strolled forward and snatched the Walkman out of your hands, dragging the headphones with them. "Hey! What the heck!" You exclaimed.
"____, I think it's time you talked to the boy across the street. What's his name, Stanley?" She demanded, eyes glaring at you.
"Okay mom." You slurred annoyed, whilst getting up from your position on the couch, and sauntering over to the front door. You grasped the handle and twisted it slowly, glancing back at your mother who was standing with her arms crossed, waiting for you to open the door. You pulled and swung the door open. Stepping into the bright daylight, you stepped across the street and on the front porch. Lifting your hand, and knocking on the wooden door. A few seconds after the door creaked open and a boy with noodle like brown hair appeared in frame.
"Hello?" He asked, confused by your being at his home.
"Hi, I'm ____, I live across the street and wanted to see if you wanted to hang out." You asked him, remaining eye contact, even though he'd flicker his eyes away with a light blush dusting his cheeks.
"Cool, well I'm Stan, and I was gonna hang out with my friends at the Barrens, but you can tag along with and I'll introduce you to the them." He said with a warm smile, the light bouncing off of his curls.
+Then proceeded to meet the gang and chill with them for the day
+immediately connecting with the other bois
+Stan being lowkey adorable the whole time

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