Sometimes the Little Things are Magical

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[A/N] Wow this is exciting! My first story on the amazing website wattpad!! now this might be bad and I'd appreciate it if people could give me pointers on how I should do this, now this is just a sneak peak of the story and if people comment good things maybe I'll give it  a go! Haha...anyways I'm really nervous I've never really done this before.

     Sneak Peak

          Water. That's all the girl could see. She's had the same dream over and over for the past year. She knows the routine by now and just goes with it. When she first had this dream she was scared to death and almost wet the bed. The girl started swiming and all of a sudden the water started to heat up and evaporate into flames engulfing her in their blankets of heat. Yet she was not afraid. Her skin looked unharmed as if the fire was just like the water she was just in, calming and soothing. All of a sudden a gust of wind blows the flame out and lifts her up and she flies off landing in an open rocky landscape the earth looks hot but feels cool under her feet. Suddenly a voice calls out, "YO BROADWAY WAKE UP OR YOUR CRACKHEAD FRIEND IS GONNA LEAVE WITHOUT YA" suddenly the landscape disappears and she opens her calm blue eyes staring back at angry green ones.

[yeah so this is the sneak peak lol sorry if it wasn't good and any help is apprecated as long as you're nice about it]

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2014 ⏰

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