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"Let's go chat with them."

Sunstreaker led the way with the others following. The group of five girls was sitting on the grass or on a bench, chatting away. One was looking between her book and her friends with a pencil in hand. The others were all chatting away.


The five girls turned to the group of boys.

"Why don't you let us join?"

"How about no?"

The girls all went back to chatting and ignored the boys. Sunstreaker and Sideswipe spluttered in amazement at how they completely ignored their advances. Smokescreen and Bumblebee tried their best to hold in their laughter.

Sunstreaker and Sideswipe continued to try and press the girls into letting them join, but their advances were flat out refused. Finally, it got to the point the one that barely spoke, the one with the sketchbook, stood up after putting her sketchbook and pencil on the ground and looked the twins in the eye. Her dark brown gaze bore into them, making them shrink back.

"Would you care to leave us alone? We don't appreciate being flirted endlessly with."

Sunstreaker and Sideswipe quickly recovered and smirked.

"Ooooh, feisty!"

"Just how we like it!"

The next thing that happened was the girl freaking punched them both in the stomachs, sending them to fall to the ground clutching their stomachs.

The girls broke out into laughter.

"Don't mess with Lunar!"

Smokescreen gazed at Lunar in surprise. She met his gaze evenly, giving him a look that said 'don't mess with me'. He raised his hands to show her he didn't mean any trouble.

Lunar smiled at him.

"I'm Lunar. What's your name?"


"Cool name. These are my friends Angel, Sheik, Snivy, and Nova."

The four girls all said their own greetings.

"Well, it's been nice to meet you. I hope to see you soon."


Lunar gave him another smile before turning around to walk back to her friends. Smokescreen's eyes caught something.


Lunar turned back to Smokescreen.

"That design.... Did you draw that?"

Lunar looked down at her left forearm. It was a swirly vine with flowers, petals, and leaves.

"Yeah. I drew it before and during the assembly."

"Oh. It's very beautiful."

Lunar smiled again.


Her gaze met Smokescreen's for a second. As she looked at him, Smokescreen felt something click between them. She turned back to her friends and sat back down on the grass and opened her sketchbook.

Smokescreen turned around and walked the opposite direction with Bumblebee and the twins.

"Smokescreen, what was that?"

Smokescreen turned to his three friends.

"I just thought the design was cool."

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