Part I: Awakening

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Megan Fox as Olivai?  What are your thoughts? Don't forget to vote and comment!    

Olivia Hunter pulled her aging Honda Civic to the curb a few blocks from her destination, the Darkfire Club. There was a valet there, but she wasn't sure they would tolerate the presence of the trusty-yet-wheezy automobile cozied up next to all those Lambos and Jags.

    Better to make a good impression on her first huge assignment; if that involved hoofing it, fine. At least it was a warm, clear evening, and she cut a cute figure in her silver minidress. True, the camera bag was bulky, but she wanted to be sure she had all the lenses she would need. Crowd shots were expected, but she had decided to take the macro for extreme close-ups of the trendy new establishment's signature drinks. The artistic touch would be worth the extra weight.
    As her stilettos clicked busily along the sidewalk, she couldn't contain her excitement and felt silly when she realized she was smiling to herself. This invitation to shoot the city's hottest new nightspot for Philly After Dark could lead to more assignments for her, and maybe even some serious notoriety. Hopefully, if all went well, it would be followed by enough money to ditch the commute from Norristown and get into an apartment downtown. She imagined one of those new luxury condos near Penn's Landing that she had been drooling over in the newspaper for the past three weeks. Her giddy smile was creeping back as she glanced at the street sign ahead and realized she had arrived.
    The exterior of the Darkfire was very low-key. There was no signage and nothing to indicate the name of the place, just a windowless black front with the street number and a set of massive doors. The nondescript-cast metal door-handles bore the faint but curvy initials DF, the only clue to explain the crowd in an otherwise deserted alley. As she had been directed by her editor, Olivia strode straight past the line of dolled up clubbers anxiously waiting behind the velvet rope. Each shot her a seething look as she handed her business card to the bouncer, a shaved-headed, goateed man with dark skin who was almost certainly seven feet tall and clearly more muscle than brains. He failed to return the smile she shot him. Instead, he nodded towards the front door and pulled back the velvet rope to allow her access.
    The doorman, a shorter, lighter fellow sporting the same look and features as the bouncer, drank in her figure for a moment before sweeping open the thickly reinforced door with a toothy smile. As he did, thunderous house music flooded the street, causing many of those waiting in line to turn their heads in anticipation. 
    As he stepped into the club, the driving beat washed over her, hypnotic and sexy. The bass was enticing and made her want to move out on the floor, but she reminded herself that she was here to work. She shifted her camera bag in front of her so she could make her way through the crowd, and started heading for her destination.
    There were multiple levels to the club, each with its own dance floor and bar, all open around a towering support pillar that rose up three levels to the distant ceiling. The tower had multiple small platforms, each of which featured a dancer. Some male, some female, all writhing sinuously to the music in revealing silver and black costumes. Olivia glanced down at her own silver dress and felt her cheeks warm up with slight embarrassment. However she knew she wouldn't be mistaken for a dancer; she was considerably more covered, and the camera bag would definitely be out of place.
    The pillar featured other sights besides the platforms. A dozen large, well-muscled iron arms extended at different heights. From the clenched hand of each was suspended a large cage with two dancers grinding against each other, in trance to the hypnotic beat.  Most of these match-ups were male-female, but some featured two women or two men.  Following these arms to the pillar's apex, Olivia discovered the final surprise.  Another half-dozen wrought-iron arms reached out. 
    From each dangled another dancer, all beautiful women. Sturdy chains linked them to the tower, attached to a black leather corset-like harness. Each wore a magnificent set of wings, about eight feet across, in differing colors and styles. They soared above the crowd.                
It was a truly amazing sight and Olivia's eyes grew wide with anticipation. She was going to get some sensational shots tonight.  But first she had to check in with the bar.

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