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Cole: Let us start.

Cole: But Jay, you have to be in charge

Cole: Because the rest of us have to 100 sit-ups

Cole, Zane, and Kai: (start sit-ups)

Jay: Okay... um... so... to everyone, why are we so awesome?

Jay: oh, and these are from Lightning_Dragon_101

Cole: Our powers

Zane: Cole is correct

Kai: Mechs!

Jay: Fanbases

Jay: Next, um.... Zane, do you like Frozen?

Zane: Yes. It relates to my cool element.

Jay: If so, who is your favorite character?

Zane: Olaf.

Kai: Comment if you (wheeze) agree

Jay: What is Cole's favorite cake flavor and why do you like it so much?

Cole: Wedding cake. It's the biggest. Also, cake was my first food ever.

Cole: Before breast milk.

Zane: That is humanely impossible.

Cole: Then how did I do it?

Jay: For me? Do I ship Cole and Nya? No. Whats my fav video game?

Jay: F2F2!

Zane: Fist to Face 2.

Jay: And I get pizza, donuts, video games, anything!


Jay: That was satisfying.

Jay: For Kai, Do you like Lloyd?

Kai: No.

Jay: (reading) Also, prove to me that you're the best ninja. Even better than Lloyd. Even better than Lloyd in his sunglasses! EVEN BETTER THAN THE WHOLE WORLD! BETTER THAN THE GALAXY!

Kai: How about this:

Kai: This is a me vs Zane rap battle

Cole: Yeah, Kai wins

Jay: See ya guys!

Jay: This was fun.

The LEGO NINJAGO Movie: Ask Cole, Kai, Jay, and ZaneWhere stories live. Discover now