Chappter 1 ~Hello Sunshine~

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Negan took Rick on a little trip in the RV. During that time everyone in the group was quietly sobbing to themselves, but I well I just felt...... empty. I can't cry or feel pain for others right now. The Saviors they looked at us like as if we were a bunch of......animals. After some time passed Negan came back with Rick. He almost made Rick chop Carl's left arm off and if he didn't do it then he would kill everybody, but when another Savior put a gun to my head Negan took the gun away from him. Why would he do that? Why would he save me? I was pulled back into reality when Negan coughed really loudly and he in front of my face.

"HELLO SUNSHINE! Come back to Earth!" He bent down and waved his hand in my face. I flinch and shook my head, I look in his eyes. I give him a questionable and a 'What the hell do you want'. He smiles.

"Well sweetheart I was giving a proud speech about 'give me your shit and I'll let you live' and I see you zoned out in your little space. So I'm thinking.... what's so important in your head then my little speech?" He tilted his head and made sure Lucille was in my eye of vision.

"If you want to know so goddamn much, I was thinking why did you 'save me' I guess, grabbed that Savior's gun away? Why?" I gave him a bit of attitude also tilted my head too.

"If you want to know so goddamn much" he seriously mimicking me? "I think your pretty and it's hard too kill a pretty doll like if you don't mind imma keep you around, hehe," he leaned in so I can only hear, "Also I keep that mouth of yours shut or I will sow it shut, I don't like it when people back talk me," he hissed and kisses my forehead then he gets up. My eyes were wide, I look down on him for the first time and he smiles.

"We will come back in ONE week for our shit.... ta ta.." He looks at me smiles and waves, I in returned give him the little birdie. He shakes his head, goes in his black truck, and drives away. 

I turn my head yo see a Savior taking a picture of Glenn's lifeless body. Those fucking disgusting bustards! When the Saviors left everyone got up and went to Maggie for comfort. Again I felt empty, so I just got in the RV that they left us. I started the RV and waited for everyone. Everyone was here besides Maggie and Sasha, they told me that they were heading to the Hilltop. Their reason was because of their doctor that they had and she needs him for the baby. When everyone was in the RV no one said a thing to one another, it was sad. We headed back to Alexandria, once we did everyone got out and went to their homes. I didn't really have my own house, so I've been living with Rick for awhile. I'm usually the baby sister for Judith and when I'm not here Olivia takes care of her. God she is really annoying sometimes.
Rick walked up to me.

"Hey (y/n), I'm gonna go out to look for things with Aron can you stay here and watch Judy for me...?" Still puffy eyed Rick, he looks so tired and scared.

I softly smiled, "Rick go tomorrow, soon it will be dark. You also look very tired, try to get some rest," I look at him.

"Alright tomorrow, we aren't going to far Aron pointed out this shop that has some food and guns." I patted his shoulder and slightly pushed him to his and Michonne's room.

I heard a slight cry coming from upstairs. I went upstairs too see Judith jumping up and down in her crib. I smiled and shook my head and picked her up from her crib. I went back downstairs to the kitchen and sat down her on the counter. I warmed up some milk and cut some berries up. After she ate her berries and drinked her hot milk, she felt tired. I heard a creak behind me, so I turned my head to see Carl.

"Do you need something Carl?" I turned my body and put my hand on my hip.

"No I just want to take my sister to her bed and I don't want you to do it." He walked passed me and bumped me, he grabbed Judith and took her upstairs. What was that about, sometimes I think that kid needs therapy. Really.

My Dirty Girl (Negan X Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя