🌹What the fuck🌹

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Somehow I got conned into climbing into the car with everyone to go to Jayden's latest drug dealing or something along those line by the docks with another gang leader. I think I had to go because otherwise I would be home alone. I'd rather swear on Brooklyn's life that I wouldn't run away than come but I didn't get a choice in the matter.

"Babe, it's going to be fine." Jay laughs, sensing my unease. He threads his fingers through mine, his thumb tracing relaxing circles over mine. "All you have to do is stand there and look pretty."

"Well I've already failed that." I murmur under my breath, not meaning for him to hear it.

"Baby girl, no, don't ever think like that." He grabs my chin and forces me to look up at him, it's even more awkward because we're not alone in the car, Dani is driving, Sierra in the passenger side and Elliot on the opposite side of Jay, I pushed Jayden to take the middle seat. "Do you hear me? You're so, so beautiful and you should never think otherwise."

He leans forward a pecks my lips over and over again, never letting them connect, almost as if to tease me but I'm more so thinking he's teasing himself. He's the one who's got the hots for the other.

"Oh my God, guys, stop." Elliot groans.

"Just because your jealous."Jay snickers in a joking manner.

"Yeah, that's exactly it." He retorts sarcastically.

"We're here." Dani announces, putting the car in park and jumping out. I follow out behind Jayden and keep a tight hold of his hand the entire time. We're definitely in the slums of whatever city we're in, it hasn't crossed my mind to ask, it kind of reminds me of the South Side of Chicago that I saw on TV once.

We're on the docks, deserted boats harboured on chipped white painted poles. Crate boxes line the walls of the buildings that hide this location from the public eye. Amongst the sound of light waves crashing against the dock there is the sound of rats scattering through the crates or whatever is in them. On the bright side, the sunset looks quite nice from here.

"Where are they?" Jay demands, turning his head back to where the gang stands, another car followed behind us filled with more of Jayden's gang members. Jayden's game face is on and it's quite scary. "Take this." He holds out a black hand gun, I shake my head, he shrugs and shove it in the back of my jeans like they do in movies, pulling my shirt down over the top to hide it.

"Jayden King Kong." A deep voice booms from one of the small alleyways. The owner of the voice makes an appearance, accompanied by three of his members, nothing compared to the team of 7 Jay has behind us. "And if it isn't Amby Kimby Rosie, I should have suspected it was you." This guy is covered in tattoos, wearing all black and completely bald. He's scary. He's the kind of murderer you catch a glimpse of in your nightmares right before they end you.

"We're not here to play games, Bates, where's my money?" Jayden demands, his grip tight on my hand as if to tell me if I backed away right now it would ruin his reputation.

"Ah, about that..."

"You don't have my money do you?"

"I just need a few more days, I can have to you by midnight tomorrow, I swear." Bates pleas.

"I've been more than generous to you, what was it you said last week? 'I'll have to you by next week' well it's next week and I want my fucking money." His voice is hard and cold, a voice I've never heard him use before, not even when he's completely pissed off.

"King, you know it's not that easy." Bates protests, running a hand over the smooth surface of his tattooed head. One of Bates' member itched a step closer to us.

"If she wasn't here you would all be dead by now." Jay promises. "But my patience is running thin, Amber, get in the car."

"What? No." I whisper. "I'm not letting you kill them."

"Get in the car." His voice is more firm and I can see he's struggling to keep his shit together, as much as I don't want to walk away I also know that he'll probably kill them while I'm still looking and I'm not up to seeing that with my innocent eyes. As soon as I turn my back I hear Bates say something that kind of sounds like an insult on my part and then there's gun shots, echoing off the buildings.

I gasp and fall towards Sierra, burying my face in her as if it makes it any better, as if it makes what was just done go away. I squeeze my eyes shut even though I can't see anything with my face in Sierra's shirt anyways.


"No, let's just go." I shake my head and don't look back at the scene I've brutally pictured behind us and climb into the car, I make sure Elliot sits in the middle instead, to distance myself from the man who has just ended yet another 4 peoples lives, I don't know if it was all him or if the others helped out but I don't care. He can't keep doing this to people.

"Elliot, switch." Jay sighs, unbuckling his seatbelt.

"No." I grip onto Elliot's shoulder to stop him from moving. "Stay."

"Ambs, baby..."

"Shutup Fool"

Oml he killed someone in front of her 😔😔😔
Thanks for reading m'loves🌹✨❤

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