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Yoongi walked down the street with pride, raising his neck and showing his yellow bow to everyone.

It had been a gift from his older sister— a cute, big, yellow bow to go with his cute yellow skirt, and he had gladly wore that outfit just to try out the new bow.

The bow was tied around his neck, the silky material skidding against his skin softly as he moved his head from side to side to check for oncoming cars.

Once he saw the road was clear, he walked across it and skipped into the grocery store with a grin. He loved coming to the grocery store— not only because of all the cute toys and yummy candy, but also because of the cute bag boy in the line number 7.

He always made sure to buy loads of stuff to get to admire the cute bag boy more, but with his luck, he was always exceptionally fast— like he had been taught to.

So, when Yoongi was finally finished paying and ready to talk to the cute bag boy, he was already busying himself with the next costumer's items.

Today though, he would make sure the bag boy noticed him. Looked at his cute skirt, cute socks, cute yellow shoes, his cute bow, and his white-as-snow hair. Looked at his pale skin, his blonde eyelashes, his red eyes, his clear freckles. Looked at him.

Yes, Yoongi was an albino, but he always made the best of it. He always won for the cutest halloween costume.

The pretty boy skipped into the store, his unusual whiteness and bright yellow bow making heads turn— including his.

The bag boy, who was about to stuff a mayonnaise jar into a plastic bag, turned his head at the pitter-patter of the yellow shoes, only for his eyes to widen as he had seen the prettiest boy he could've ever witnessed.

With white hair, pale skin, a few freckles scattered across his face, white brows and long, thick, white eyelashes, as well as a tiny waist and an hourglass shape, long legs covered in white thigh high socks, a large white pullover sweater, and a short yellow skirt that matched his bright bow, his yellow strap-on shoes looking like they could belong to a little girl, and the shortest height he had seen on a male before, was Yoongi, skipping through the doors and towards the red, plastic baskets, ready to grab one and start his shopping.

While analyzing the pretty boy, bag boy dropped the mayonnaise jar, making the contents splatter everywhere around his new school shoes and over the marble floor. the glass shards skidded in a circular motion, away from the impact center. When bag boy turned to look at the mess, he gasped, his eyes widening. "Oh shit-"

Yoongi turned to look at the commotion, his eyes widening when he saw bag boy, who looked back at him with red cheeks and his eyes widened even more than they already were as he tried to move away from the scene, only to slip on the mayo and fall on his ass with a groan. "Fuck!"

The pretty boy gasped and dropped the basket he was holding in his tiny right hand, running to bag boy's aid.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly as he leaned down, putting out a hand for bag boy to grab and use as leverage to stand.

Bag boy blushed and looked down at his feet, accepting the hand gratefully, and grimacing at the pain in his ass, as well as the uncomfortableness of the mayonnaise that had sipped through his jeans and was now wetting his backside.

"Y- Yeah." He mumbled, scratching the back of his head. "Wh- What's your name, sorry?"

"Oh, I'm Min Yoongi." The pretty boy grinned, his gums peaking out behind the corners of his lips as he did so. "What's your name?"

"Jungkook." The bag boy— now deemed Kookie by Yoongi— smiled shamefully, shifting his weight to his right leg and looking back down.

Yoongi frowned and bent over, peeking at Jungkook from where he was looking down at his stained shoes. "Hey, don't look down like that~ Makes me think you don't like me, and we barely met!"

Jungkook yelped and stepped back, looking up immediately. He stared at Yoongi's red eyes, and smiled softly.

"I like your eyes." His own eyes widened as he heard his own voice mouth his thoughts. That's private shit, you dumbass!

"Thank you~" The albino blushed scarlet, up to the tips of his ears.

"Well, If you wanna change, I live across the street. I could lend you something from my brother's~" Yoongi grinned, and Jungkook smiled back.

"I'd really appreciate it, thank you very much."

Bag Boy 無 YoonkookWhere stories live. Discover now