What If He's Just Not That Into You?

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Dear Journal,                                                                                                                 

Boys always say that girls are such emotional creatures, but why can't it be the other way around? What if guys are the emotional creatures and we girls are just clearly misunderstood? I admit, all girls want that fairytale ending. To find their prince charming, have that perfect relationship with that perfect guy, but even us girls have to face reality. Yes, sometimes we over analyze situations or make the littlest things something much more than they really are, but hey we are only human. Maybe guys shouldn't lead us on if they don't feel the same way as we girls do.


I bite the top of my pen cap and close my journal. As I rise up from my bed I make my way towards my window seat. Rain is pounding down hard against the window pane. It's a typical Friday night and I'm stuck in the house with nothing to do. I sigh in frustration. I decide to call up my best friend Alexa Montgomery to see what she's doing. I pick up my cell phone off my nightstand and dial the number. I listen to the ringing in the earpiece and suddenly it stops.

"What up, bitch?"

I smile. Alexa Montgomery has been my best friend for about three years. We met each other in ninth grade and have been inseparable ever since. I have to admit we differ in personalities a bit but opposites do attract. She's loud, funny, and way more outgoing than I am. While I tend to be the shy, quiet type, but knowing her for three years I've gotten used to it and I don't know where I would be without her.

"Not much, what'cha doing?" I ask.

She scoffs. "Well not much, it's raining cats and dogs outside, what is there to do."

I roll my eyes. "Hey, you wanna come over we can watch a movie?"

"Yeah sure, be over in ten." Alexa says. I hear the dial tone that confirms that she's hung up and toss my phone on the bed. A couple of minutes later I hear the doorbell ring which I assume is Alexa. I head for the front door and run down the stairs to find my dad sitting on the couch watching TV. My dad works as an architect and runs his own company downtown called "Kitts Construction." He doesn't live pretty far from his business which is why he's almost always home.

"Who's that Kit Kace, Alexa?" My dad asks. My nickname is Kit Kace. Pretty lame, I know, but its stuck with my dad ever since he told me a story of how I used to have a complete obsession with Kit Kat bars as a child. I don't really mind. It's our inside joke; only Alexa really knows the story behind it.

I stop midway at the door and turn to face him.

 "Yup. I was bored so I invited her over to watch a movie, is that okay?"

"Yeah it's fine." My dad grabs the remote and starts to flip through channels.

I smirk and roll my eyes. I reach for the doorknob and open it to see Alexa standing there drenched from the rain. She has a solemn look on her face and her blonde hair is now soaked which clings to the side of her cheeks. I bite my tongue to keep me from laughing, but I can't help but erupt in laughter. She steps in and closes the door behind her.

"Yeah, yeah so funny right?" Alexa says sarcastically. She takes off her wet jacket and hangs it on the coat rack near the front door. Once I finally control my laughter I ask,

"Ever heard of an umbrella?" I say with an amused grin spread across my face.

"Oh you mean this?" Alexa holds up a light blue umbrella covered with white polka dots, but clearly it doesn't look like an umbrella anymore. It appears to have a couple of holes in it and is slightly chewed up at the bottom. The spokes are pointing in crazy directions and you can tell the umbrella can't be used anymore. This only brings me back to laughing and I quickly drop to the floor no longer able to control my giggles.

"What's so funny?" My dad says as he lowers his eyes to see me on the floor rolling around like an idiot. He quickly looks up wide-eyed at Alexa which answers his question of why I'm laughing.

"Alexa what happened?" My dad asks.

"Cocoa must have found my umbrella and decided to use it as a toy to play with." Cocoa is Alexa's kitten she just got her a couple of days ago for her birthday. "Unfortunately, I didn't realize it was like this until after I tried to open it once I got out of the car. Get up Kacey it's not that funny!" She says annoyed lightly hitting me with the contorted umbrella.

"Okay, Okay." I get up from off the floor. "I'm done."

" Are you sure?" Alexa replies.

"Yeah, let's go upstairs I'll get you some dry clothes." She quickly kicks her shoes off and sets them near the door along with her jacket. I motion her up the stairs and we walk towards my room. I open my dresser drawer and take out a pair of sweats and a white loose-fitting tee. I toss it to her and she goes to the bathroom. After about five minutes she comes out with her wet clothes in hand.  

"Where do you want me to put these?"

"Just put them over in the hamper, I'll wash them."  I say as I point towards the wicker bin near the nightstand. She throws it in and plops down on my bed.

"So what movie do you want to watch?" She asks.

"I don't know. You pick." She slides off the bed and crawls over to find a movie from my DVD shelf.

She picks up a movie and raises it in the air for me to see. "How about The Vow?"

I roll my eyes and groan. "No love stories, please."

"Oh, yeah." She says uneasily. She gets up and sits on the edge of the bed to face me. "He still hasn't texted you huh?"

I get off the bed and turn to face the window. I watch the rain as it slowly turns into a light drizzle.

"No." I murmur.

I feel a hand grab my shoulder. "Well he will, maybe he's just been busy or has something personal going on? You can't just jump to conclusions." Alexa reassures me.

I roll my eyes and turn around looking directly at her. "It's been three days. No call, no text, at least something?"

She gaps her mouth to say something but instead remains quiet.

"Y'know the date went so well. We got a long great or at least I thought we did, but maybe he was just pretending to feel the same way." I now sit on the window seat. Alexa takes a seat next to me as well.

"Maybe." She whispers.

I look down in my lap trying to stop the tears from falling down my eyes.

Alexa heads into the bathroom and grabs a tissue along with a ponytail from one of my drawers. She passes me the tissue and gathers her damp hair to put into a messy bun.

"But who cares, there's plenty of guys out there! You can't just get upset over one little guy Kace."

I dab my eyes and look up to glare at her. "Are you forgetting this is the third date I've been on?" I ask with a questioned look.

"No, and there's many more to come. Things just don't happen overnight." She says with a lopsided smile.

"I wish." I mumble under my breath.

"What if he's just not that into you as you were with him? You can't let that stop you. Stop looking for it Kacey, because sadly those perfect guys only exist in movies."

A/N: Hi guys! I got bored so I decided to start a new story. I haven't stopped writing "She's Not That Innocent" but currently I have writer's block, ugh hate when that happens, so I thought I'd write something new. Please tell me what you think! Comments mean the world to me! And maybe a vote? Only if you like it! Thanks :]

What If He's Just Not That Into You? (On Hold)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin