Name: Erin Reagan Jones Age: 16 Gender: Female Villain or Hero: Dad was a villain until he married his wife and Erin is trying to rid of her family's villain status. Parent: Killian Jones (Captain Hook) and Emma Swan Sexuality: Straight ⭐️Crush: Open Looks: Clare Siobhan
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Clothes: Casual
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Personality: Erin is an extremely friendly girl. However, she can be a bit stubborn. She loves to make new friends, but can get a bit jealous in certain situation. She can kick àss if she needs to as well. ⭐️Likes: Making friends, rock music, fencing
⭐️Dislikes: People thinking she's a villain because of her dad's reputation, being taken advantage
⭐️Powers: Not necessarily a power, but she is extremely skilled in sword fighting
⭐️Other: None
⭐️Backstory/Bio: Erin grew up without too many friends because she was a villain kid. she has been bullied and looked down upon because of it. Her life goal is to prove that not only has her father changed, but she was never him in the first place.