Chapter 1

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Honestly I suck at writing but I did this for two reasons one my friends who also run this account made another book first then our friend made us delete it so we decided to write our own books I'm lazy I didn't really write and I hate switching accounts oh and excuse the grammar 😊 and this is a bxb story it involves abuse and self harm just a warning

{Jackson's POV }
"Uggh" I rolled over turning off my alarm and going back to sleep
*20 minuets later*
I woke up to the front door slamming shut  damn I  slept too long I grabbed clothes and ran to the shower before my mom saw me. 4 months ago I came out, my dad accepted me right away yet my "mother" she doesn't deserve that title she hates homosexuals because according to the Bible it's not right to Love the same sex. I washed up and shampooed my hair while listening lil peep to  I hurried up and got out I really didn't want to get beat today
*At school *
I shoved my books inside my locker before Kaden and his gang showed up he learned I was gay a few months ago when he caught me and my current boyfriend Leo making out in the bathroom he's picked on me ever since.
{Leo's POV}
Don't get me wrong I love Jackson but I can't be with him anymore.I'm not gay I got dared to ask him out I stayed with it because I didn't want to hurt him yet on the side I've been having sex with the hoe of the school, savannah she might have had sex with every straight guy in the school maybe even some girls but she's a good fuck when you need her. Jackson ran up behind me and covered my eyes even though I'm like 8 inches taller than him I whipped around and stared him in his perfectly hazel eyes " listen Jackson I need to talk to you " "umm ok " he muttered I dragged him towards my locker " Jackson I love you but not in the way you think I would, a few months ago my friends dared me when I was drunk to ask you out I stayed with you because I didn't want to hurt you I'm really sorry I still hope we can be friends " he looked up at me with tears in his eyes " SO EVERY TIME YOU SAID YOU LOVED ME YOU LIED " baby I didn't mean it that way I do love you ..just not in that way " DON'T CALL ME BABY IM NOT YOURS AND NO I CANT BE FRIENDS WITH SOMEBODY WHO LIKED TO ME FOR ALMOST 5 MONTHS 5 FUCKING MONTHS LEO DON'T TALK TO ME EVER
{Jackson's POV }
I felt so heart broken but I couldn't go home since my mom was there she was probably sleeping but I wasn't taking any chances I was planning to go to class early but Leo sits next to me
I didn't want to face him after screaming at him in the middle of the hallway. After the bell I slowly wandered around still not wanting to face my ex yet. I walked in to my class 10 minuets late after messing with my locker and wandering around I finally went to class when I walked in to class I saw a boy that I've seen around school but I thought he was in the grade below us ( they're seniors btw) he was actually really cute now that I looked at him when I finally snapped out of my daze my teacher mr Dolan was snapping his fingers in my face I looked down and I felt my face get hot " where have you been for the last 10 minuets mr hunter " he said sternly " uhh I got distracted by umm a butterfly " I quietly mumbled " a butterfly indoors ? Take your seat mr hunter " " actually can I move me and Leo well we um we broke up( he knew about their relationship) ok you can sit next to Tyler and Alex" I calmly said okay but inside I was freaking screaming Tyler is my best friend since we were like 3 he's an out of the closet gay and he expressed it and Alex is the cute new guy as I walked to the back of the class Tyler shouted out "BITCH HURRY YOUR ASS UP THERES A CUTE GUY BACK HERE" Tyler shut the fuck up I said back blushing boys language mr Dolan said don't make me give you detention I've had you guys in here enough during the day damn mr Dolan I thought you loved
us Tyler said as I set my stuff down hi Alex said sounding shy I swear I don't bite I mean maybe with a wink oh god I sound like a fuckboy now

Ok if your reading this ima try to update twice a week maybe oh and if you haven't go read the other books their really good

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