Chapter I - Blood at OakHill High

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The air was as cold as it could be, it felt more like a knife cutting your skin. Nothing in the quiet town of OakHill was out of the ordinary, when summer, the warm and welcoming weather was predominant, and now in the middle of December, the winter was cold and hard, like it should be in New England.

The town's people were already getting their Christmas decorations set up inside their homes while kids were ready for unwrapping their gifts, everything seemed like another calm and festive December, when Luke Stonewall made the discovery that would change all of that.

The OakHill High School was located right next to the town's lake, named after the founder of the town, Lake Hood was the main location that kids choose to have fun in the summertime, but now in the snowy winter, it was just a place for kids before and after school, walk by and sometimes throw a rock or two, attempting to break the hard ice that always covered Lake Hood this time of the year. 

The buildings that formed the OakHill High School were old, for nearly 65 years, the school did not receive any kind of renovations, and that was ok with their residents, they were happy to say that the school had strong foundations and it would take an out of this world storm to bring those buildings down. But the out of this world storm that they got was a lot more deadly than the one that would bring buildings down, it was in the form of a tall, skinny man, with pitch black eyes and cold hands, that came to the quiet OakHill town that snowy December night.

It was a windy Friday morning, when 14 year old Luke Stonewall went to school a bit earlier than his usual time, he had forgotten his winter gloves the day before, and besides that, he was eager to see if the letter that he left for Kaya, the new girl in his class, was picked up. He never liked any girl in school, but when Kaya got to OakHill High, it was an instant crush. She was in an exchange student program and Luke was one of the students tasked to be one of her guides around school, that made him uncorfortable at first but that did not last long, she was his height and a fan of Star Wars, it was a perfect match on his eyes.

The classroom was just around the hallway and Lucas wanted to retrieve his gloves before he went to check out if Kaya had picked up his letter. He was a bit nervous and afraid that she may have missed, even though he told all of his 3 close friends to tell Kaya to check the compartment where she usually leaves her backpack, a small note would be there, waiting for her.

The classroom was completely silent when Luke walked in, that was expected but it was a bit more than just silence, the air seemed to have been missing, like it stopped somehow, not because he could not breath, but it was an eerie silence, like all the air was sucked out of the room. Luke took 5 to 6 steps inside the classroom when he noticed a pinkish scarf on the floor, someone must have left there just like he did with his gloves, he thought, but at the end of that scarf, he could see a splash of red spots, that made him curious enough to pick up the scarf, and but almost in the same time, he dropped back on the floor. As soon as his hands touched the red spot on the scarf, he felt a thick and slimy liquid, the strangeness of that liquid was not what made him drop the scarf, but the hotness of that small red spot, it felt like a burn but when looking back to his hand, he could not see any redness or any kind of mark. 

Luke decided to leave the scarf on the floor and went fast ahead to look for his gloves, but right before where his desk was, under a dark metal chair, he found the owner of the scarf, laying on the floor, with her hands close to her chest, the hair was all over the place, with some chunks of them mixed with blood, lots of blood. Looking at her face, Luke recognized that it was one of his classmates, Rebeca Baxter, she had blood all over her sweater and her throat appeared to have been opened, not sliced, it was more like some kind of animal was feeding on her, by the size of the opening, not just one animal but a couple of mouths, sucking blood right out of her neck, leaving an open gash that indicated that whoever killed her, did not care about being subtle at all.

Looking on top of the desk, lots of blood were splashed on the top of it and Luke tried his best not to touch any of it, he was afraid that it would be as hot as the wet spots that he felt when touching the scarf that he found on the floor. At the same time that he found the motionless and gutted body of Rebeca Baxter, the air turned heavy, like it was back inside the classroom and it brought a raw and pungent smell with it. Just outside the window, Luke could see some of the tree branches shacking frenectlny, like something was frightening them, almost as if they were trying to break open the window and move inside the classroom. All that ruckus made Luke come out of a trance like state that he was on, standing beside the motionless body of Rebeca Baxter.

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