Chapter II-Chief Hooper

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The OakHill chief of police, Randall Hooper, was always the first one to get to work, because by 4pm, he needed to be out of the door and run to OakHill High and start his second job, being their football coach. So when he got a call from the school principal, Mrs. Turner, he though that it was about something related to football, nothing out of the ordinary, and that could have not been so far from the truth.

The way that Mrs. Turner described to Hooper what was discovered at the school, could have made a rookie cop puke, so it was a good thing that Hooper had already 14 years being a police officer, but even after all those years, he could have never thought that OakHill would ever be the place of a crime so violent. 

"Sheriff Hooper, you gotta come here as fast as you can," Said the nervous voice on the other line.

"Calm down Mrs. Turner, tell me what the hell is going on but lower your voice down a bit" 

"It is all bloody Sheriff, it is Rebeca Baxter, she is all bloody on the floor, it is disgusting...Oh my God, who did this..." Mrs. Turner sounded like she was about to have a heart attack soon, you could hear the heavy  breathing trough the phone line.

"Rebeca Baxter? What are you talking about? Is she breathing at all? Did you call the 911?" Sheriff Hooper was as confused as he could be, and Mrs. Turner's screams and loud voice wasn't helping at all.

" No, no... I called you first, I've never seen something like this, her clothes Sheriff...her hair, Oh My God! It's all bloody..." Mrs. Turner was gonna be the one that would need an ambulance very soon, Sheriff Hooper was getting impatient.

"I can't understand what are you trying to say, just stay there and call 911, I'm on my way right now, just calm down,"

"Calm down? How can I.." Right before Mrs. Turner could finish the sentence, Sheriff Hooper slammed the phone down and grabbed his coat, he was already losing too much time trying to understand what the principal was trying to say. 

The drive to OakHill High was as boring as it could be, Sheriff Hooper was trying to reach his longtime friend and deputy, Doug Barnes, but the line was busy, and after the third try, Sheriff Hooper stopped trying and focused in getting to the school as fast as he could, even though Mrs. Turner's explanation was as wacky as it could be, he felt that something very bad had happened for sure, his gut feeling was telling him the same.

The OakHill High front doors were closed and at the parking lot, teachers and school workers were directing students and their families to turn back and go home, without much explanation, only telling them that an emergency had occurred and nothing else. Sheriff Hooper drove around back and went inside the school using the doors that would take him to the kitchen, he knew the school well and in no time, he got to the classroom where Mrs. Turner was standing, hands covering her mouth and eyes red from crying.

"Mrs. Turner, I'm here, show me what's going on," Sheriff Hooper wanted to get straight to the point, just inside the classroom, he saw a teacher staring at the floor.

" Sheriff, it is horrendous, I can't believe it, who would do something like this? Oh my God, please help us..." Once again Mrs. Turner began to get hysterical, Sheriff Hooper knew that it was time to take control.

"Please Mrs. Turner, shut up for a bit and go outside in the hallway, nobody comes in, place a call to deputy Barnes, keep trying until you can reach him," Sheriff Hooper's words were rough and loud, the message to Mrs. Turner was clear, stop screaming and let him handle this.

"Hello, so what do we have it here?" Sheriff Hooper asked the teacher staring at the floor.

"I hope that you don't get all hysterical like the principal, show me the body," 

"I won't Sheriff, I"m just..." The teacher was trying to find the words, her voice had some heaviness to it but not fear.

"I know, believe me, I know, it can be very shocking to see a dead body,"

"Not just that Sheriff, not just dead, the body it is all messed up, like it was toyed with it,"

As soon as the teacher said that, Hooper went inside, the way that this body was getting everyone so worked up, made him uneasy, he would not show it, but he did feel that something strange was about to begin at the always peaceful OakHill.

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