Chapter 1

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"But why, Aunt Kate." I whined, "I don't want to move to..Beacon Hills?" Aunt Kate nodded, that I got the town right. "I want to stay here and help Grandpa." I said, "What if he needs help?" "Crystal, honey." my Aunt Kate started, "First off, your grandpa is taking some time off. So he can rest up. He's not as young as he once was. And second, your parents and sister, Allison are in Beacon Hills. Don't you want to see them?" That's me..Crystal...Crystal Argent. Allison and I are twin sisters, and I mean identical twins. People have a hard time telling us apart. And even though my sister and parents are around, I haven't lived with them in about ten years. I will get to why later on.

"Of course I want to see them." I started, "But do you think they want to see me? I mean I haven't seen them in like ten years. Not since I was seven." "Of course they do. I'm sure of it." said Aunt Kate, "So..that means you better get a move on packing." I groaned. "Oh, alright." I said. I started to head down the hall to my room.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. I talked to your father and he told me there are some werewolves in Beacon Hills." Kate said, smiling. I smiled and my eyes lit up. "Werewolves?" I asked, excited. "Yes." she said. "Awesome. I can't wait to catch them." I said, happily, "How many are there?" "I'm not sure yet. Chris..your father said maybe two. Maybe three. We will see when we get there." answered Aunt Kate. Hunting werewolves, you could say is our family business. Along with me, it's Aunt Kate, Grandpa, my dad and a few close family friends. My mom helps a little, but not sure if Allison helps. She didn't the last time I saw her. But like I said, I haven't seen her in ten years. So who knows.

So after that, I continued to my room and started packing. Clothes, pictures of my friends and Aunt Kate and I. Also other necessities. Soon I was done. I had a big suitcase filled and a backpack. I took them downstairs. "Ok. All packed." I said. "Good." said Aunt Kate, "We will leave soon. I just want to make sure we have everything we need." "Ok. Sounds good." I said. I couldn't handle the excitement. I so want to get on the road now. Kate smiled at me. "So you changed your mind about Beacon Hills, I take it?" Kate said. "Hell yeah!" I exclaimed. "That's my girl." Aunt Kate said. I just smiled bigger. "I love you Aunt Kate." I said. "I love you too." she said back.

Soon, we put our suitcases and my backpack into Kate's Ford Explorer and we headed on our way to Beacon Hills. I was so excited, yet I felt tired and soon dozed off.

* * *

I was running through the woods and I caught sight of a werewolf. I had my compound crossbow in my hand and an arrow in place. I kept running, but soon lost sight of the werewolf. 'Huh?' I thought, 'How could I have lost him?' I kept looking around, but suddenly I was knocked down and felt a horrible pain in my side. "NOOOOOO!" I screamed. I looked down and saw a bite mark. "NOOOOO.!" I repeated, "This can't be happening." I looked up and saw all black except two red eyes. I screamed and then woke up. Kate swerved her car and then pulled on the side of the road. "Are you ok?" she asked, concerned. "Yes, I'm fine. Just a nightmare." I replied. "Oh? What about?" she asked. I told her about my nightmare. "Oh, wow. That is scary." She said. I nodded. She pulled back on the road and we continued on our way to Beacon Hills.

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