The school day.

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I stayed in my room that whole night. I couldn't bring myself to face him like this. He had changed and I didn't like it. My heart started to pump faster, when I heard someone coming closer to my bedroom door. I was hoping it was Hoseok but apart of me knew that it wasn't.
"Nova,  its m-me."
"What do you want? I thought I made it clear I didn't want to see you." I shouted
"I know, but Hoseok told me to tell you that you need to get ready. School starts soon" He said that so calmly, so calmly that it reminded me of how he used to be. It brought back feelings I thought had gone. What was going to happen at school, only time would tell.
Its my final day in school today before we finish completely and I can get on with my life.
I had decided to meet the guys for a coffee before heading in. I didn't know if they knew Yoongi was back or not but I didn't wanna tell them for sure. They hated him for leaving us, but I knew once they see him they will be friends again, its how we are together.
"Hey Nova!" I heard someone shout me from behind it was Taehyung with the boys. I looked and ran straight to them, I hugged them like I haven't seen them in years. Taes' face lit up when I hugged him, he stiffened but smiled and gave into it. I thought to myself I can't just give Tae a hug and no one else, so I let go and continued giving hugs to Jungkook, Jin, and Namjoon. I looked around and didn't see Jimin anywhere, I was confused at the thought..
"Hey guys, wheres Jimin?" I said while looking around
"He couldn't m-make it but he's really sorry he said" Jungkook said worriedly. I saw the look on their faces and they didn't look happy, they looked quite worried and now I was getting worried..

 I saw the look on their faces and they didn't look happy, they looked quite worried and now I was getting worried

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*Does Jimin know what happened with Yoongi?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2017 ⏰

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