(FLUFF X HOSEOK) Experimenting

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"I'm trying to work in here" Yoongi called out with a groan, someone was really trying to piss him off, a loud knock resounding on his door every 5 seconds. "Yoongi hyung, please" he heard none other than Hoseok whine - he only used that tone when he really had no one else to go to. "Alright, fine, jeez" Yoongi breathed out, saving the file he was working on before unlocking the door to his studio.

"This better be worthwhile beca- Shit, Hoseok you alright??" Yoongi cringed as he saw a tear trickle down his face, he probably shouldn't have used such a menacing tone. "I'm a-alright, can we talk, please?" "Yeh, sure. Whatever it is I won't tell anyone, okay? You can trust me, right?" Yoongi asked timidly, a hand on the small of Hoseok's back as he led him to the couch. "Yoongi, I wouldn't come in here if I didn't trust you" he laughed slightly, easing his nerves.

"Alright... well uh, what's got you so worked up?" Yoongi asked, he wasn't really the best at consoling people but all of Bangtan knew he was the best at listening, as well as giving - blunt but useful - advice. "I... I kind of, found something on Namjoon's computer" "Oh?" Yoongi asked, unaware of where this was going. "We all know he has an, um... adult folder?" Yoongi only snickered slightly, "Yes we do, but you've watched porn before? What's got you so upset? Was it that sadistic?" "No! No, not at all!" Hoseok laughed slightly, blushing as he recalled the recent memory, still fresh in his head. "It's just... there was gay stuff in it and.. I-I liked it" he trembled, he felt stupid for getting choked up but it bothered him.

"As in... two men, Hoseok?" Yoongi asked tentatively, stroking his arm as the boy began crying again. "It's nothing to get upset about... I'm bi, it doesn't hurt me and it doesn't bother any of you, does it?" "No but... it's just, y-you've always kind of known but I'm 23 years old I should k-know my sexuality by now" he frowned, rubbing at his eyes.

"Hoseok, some people have a change in who they like when they're much older than you, it doesn't matter what your age is, and you don't have to label yourself, as long as you're happy yeh?" Yoongi pulled the other into a hug as he began to shake. "T-thank you Hyung" he smiled, though with his head tucked into his chest, Yoongi couldn't see it.

"Is there anything else?" Hoseok thought for a moment on how to answer before looking up at his Hyung, his face heating up slightly. "Would you be able to help me figure it out?" "Figure what out?" "Whether or not I like guys... you know I look up to you the most, I only trust you". Yoongi didn't know what to think, did Hoseok want him to kiss him?? Have sex with him??

How was he supposed to help him figure out his sexuality?

"You know... I always heard about people experimenting in college but because we're here, I never went to college... that's what I mean" Hoseok continued after he was met with no answer. "Huh? O-oh, yeh, of course kid, just tell me what you want me to do or, say, or... you do whatever okay?".

Hoseok nodded, rubbing his cheeks with his palms as if he could wipe off the hot blush before placing his hands on Yoongi's hips. "Can I kiss you?" Hoseok asked gently, taking a few glances at Yoongi's lips. "I said... you can do whatever you want" he muttered, gazing up at Hoseok's warm, hazy eyes. Hoseok leaned in slowly, his heart thumping wildly as he debated whether or not to bail out and forget the whole thing. Then he forced his lips onto the elder's plush ones.

And it was the most heart-warming feeling he'd ever experienced. Unwillingly, Hoseok pulled away after a few seconds, bringing a finger up to his lips as if to cease the tingling feeling left behind. "How was that? Help you with anything?" "Yeh.. I-I liked that" Hoseok grinned, Yoongi replicating a gummy smile. God, he's so beautiful Hoseok thought before reconnecting their lips. This time, Yoongi began probing his tongue at Hoseok's lip, asking for entrance, who was Hoseok to say no? This kiss was heaven. Their tongues moved slowly against one another as their hands became more frantic, Yoongi snaking his arms around the boy's neck as they deepened the kiss.

Hoseok hoisted Yoongi onto his lap, pulling his hips down closer to his own as they continued wrestling their mouths together. "H-Hoseok" Yoongi whined, holding his face with both of his bony hands, "I think it's safe to say... you like dick" he chuckled, placing a quick kiss on his forehead before snuggling into his warmth. "Thank... thank you Hyung, for helping me" "It's alright Hobi, lets stay like this" he smiled tiredly, both of them slipping into sleep as they lay down on the small couch.

It was now a little longer than a week later, and Hoseok still couldn't keep his eyes off of Yoongi. It was supposed to be just a bit of experimenting, just a little bit of playfulness. Hoseok wasn't supposed to gain a crush for his Hyung, this was all wrong!

The boy sighed as he grabbed a bowl of cereal one morning, dwelling on his developing feelings, "Penny for your thoughts?" Yoongi asked with a smirk, nudging him aside so he could pull his cereal box out of the cupboard. "Uh... something like that" he smiled awkwardly, about to leave when Yoongi stopped him, a hand splayed flat against his chest.

Hoseok blushed at the contact, but focused his eyes on Yoongi. "Look... I hope I'm getting the right signals here... but, you want to 'experiment' more, right?" he questioned, smiling as Hoseok began giggling. "Yeh... I'd actually like more than that" "Yeh? That can be arranged" Yoongi smirked, delivering a gentle kiss to his lips before shuffling over to the living room to eat.

The best decision Hoseok had ever made was seeking out his Hyung when he needed the help - who else would he have as his cuddly, grumpy boyfriend now?

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