A Matter Of Trust

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Have you ever been so committed to do something that you will do what ever it takes to get what you want? If so, then you might just want to read this book. It's based on an 18 year old teenager that is willing to do what ever the case may be but he has to find the person in the newspaper. He meets a friendly sixteen year old girl that had just arrived in Ireland. She helps him in his adventure, followed by her friend.

18 year old tall,blond, and blue eyed Niall was tired of being lied to. He figured it was time to find out who was the one that separated him from his family and what was the reason for it. Niall got told many stories about his family's death but never in 13 years did he believe any. Niall's adopted parents had told him many times that he didn't need to worry about his past but, he didn't care he was eager to know who they were and if his actual parents hated him or if he was abandon.

One evening Niall was walking on the streets of Ireland when, he spotted an old dried up newspaper that look years old. He flipped through it and stopped when he spotted a teenage guy that looked exactly like him. He stared at him for a long period of time shortly before someone anxiously interrupted him by tapping his shoulder. He jumped and turned to face and see who the person was. In his surprise, it was a tall, skinny, blonde girl who he had never met before, about the age of 17 with big green eyes.

"Hello, didn't mean to started you, I just arrived from the united sates and am in search for my friends here, in Ireland."

"Oh no worries," replied Niall with a friendly smile.

"My names grace by the way, would you like to help me find my friends?" Quoted grace.

"Sure, but I only got an hour left before heading back home." Answered Niall.

As Niall and grace headed to the park to find grace's friends grace asked," What was that newspaper you were reading back there about?". Niall stood the for a moment daydreaming to himself of the boy in the newspaper. He wondered to himself, " Could that be my long lost twin or perhaps he was separated from his family too." He thought of all the possible outcomes but could never understand why they both looked so much alike. As he was almost coming down with a solution, grace taps him on the shoulder. "You okay?" Asked grace with a puzzled face.

"Oh yea, sorry what were you saying?" Niall questioned ashamed for ignoring her. "I asked what the newspaper was about," replied grace. "Oh you know, just old things," Niall answered with a smile on his face. "Okay well lets keep searching," Grace suggested. They headed towards the swing were one if Graces's friend was swinging. "EVE!" Hollered grace. Eve was a 15 year old girl who was really skinny and had light brown hair. She had an obsession with watching anime and she also had to to eat no matter what. She loved watching glee and was just a really happy person but, she hated sad stories,movies, and books. Eve hadn't turn around when grace yelled her name so, grace thought maybe she hadn't heard her. Grace ran towards her leaving Niall behind and yelled her name again. This time Eve responded by turning around, she had such a huge smile on her face when she saw grace. Eve jumped off the swing and ran towards grace giving her a huge and really tight hug. They had not seen each other for a long period of time, probably more than six years ago. "Grace what are you doing here!" Eve shouted happily. "Came for vacation and was wondering if you and Roberto would want to spent time with me." Questioned grace, worried Eve might say no. Roberto and Eve were really busy all the time finding jobs.

In graces surprised, Eve said yes. "Of course we would love to, Roberto has been dying to see you," Eve responded more excited than ever. As Niall was heading towards them to remind them it was getting late and he had to be home by seven,he noticed tiny raindrops had started to fall. Eve and grace were to excited talking about their plans they noticed 10 minutes later when, it started raining faster and harder. They both looked up and noticed the clouds ominously huddling together, their dark big grey clouds filling the sky. They ran towards Niall and headed home.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2014 ⏰

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