Chapter two

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Chapter Two

A study in Pink (Part One)

Another party, another disguise, another crime and another lie.

She was like a beloved phantom, as she drifted from one guest to another, exchanging compliments and singing false praise that tasted sour on her tongue. Her false smiles and honeyed-words left the desired effect over and over again. Ensuring that they would remember them forever because sadly she could not. It was this unfortunate trait that they adored the most and found the most useful. After all, she knew that at these parties her dear husband discussed many delicate matters during these parties.


The girl became aware of a stray memory trying to worm its way back into her mind from whatever dark depths it had been buried in. Her husband- Thomas Clark- had asked her to do something- and then to bring it back. The man, whom she had previously been talking to, was now forgotten as her mind switched to a new focus. Looking around her eyes scanned the many unfamiliar faces. Each face belonged to a stranger that had many fond memories of her, briefly flashed of pleasantries that did not give away her particular problem. Brief memories in which she lied to them and played whatever part they seemed to wish for her to play.

Excusing herself from the conversation she had previously been enamoured by, she made her way across the ballroom. The vivid hues of party dresses seemed to swallow her form. Blue, greens, reds, and purples all blinded her forming a rainbow of silk that made her mind swarm. Her precious memory was already sinking into oblivion, her time limited before she forgot again. She didn't want to forget, but these colours- in all their glory- where dizzying. The dances carried on dancing, ignoring her as she tried- tried to remember, but it was slipping away fast. She hated it when this happened when her own memories fought against her, slipping through her hands like grains of sand.

A firm hand on her shoulder snapped the girl from her panicked state, back to the solid, comfort of reality. The memory in her mind stood clear again and her mind no longer raced. Spinning, her golden locks cascading around her, the beloved red-clad phantom, turned to see the dark haired man who had broken her trance. A brief smile of gratitude graced her features before she narrowed her eyes in mock annoyance. Even with drugs running through your system in order to suppress your thinking capabilities, you would recognise those cool eyes anywhere they belonged to the very man that had changed your life after a single encounter, the very man who captivated you with both his appearance and his intelligence. Sherlock Homes....

Tonight, he simply wore a shirt and trousers, nothing fancy or expensive unlike you in your red cocktail dress. He smirked at you; his eyes filled with knowledge as if he could still read you like a book. Which was probably true.

"Sherlock," you hissed under your breath grabbing his shirt and pulling his to your own height. "You made me break out of character"

He chuckled, carefully working your fingers off of his shirt. You let him seeing no reason in causing a scene.

"You were too in character, there's a fine line between perfection and just being too much with you." He replied standing up straight and readjusting his shirt as if it needed to be done so. But, to you it was perfectly fine, everything about Sherlock was just-

You cut that thought off and sighed, mirroring Sherlock as you pulled at your own dress. "Well, you did drug me," you replied curtly. "It's hard to think while my brain feels like it's turned to soup in my skull. Come to help or are you just going to complain about my acting?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2018 ⏰

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