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Frisk's POV:

"You changed your costume the day before Halloween that way it matches your hair?" Sans sounded very confused and skeptical.

"Yes," I replied, "No one has ever seen Hanji Zoe without her signature long brown hair."

"But Hanji is way better than Tracer."

"Fight me!" Asriel piped up, being a loyal Overwatcher.

Sans smirked, finding entertainment in teasing Asriel, "What? Attack on Titan is way better than Overwatch."

"I think that they're both equally cool in their own way," MK inputted calmly.

"Yeah, and you can't compare a video game to an anime, that's not how this game works," I joined back into the conversation.

Sans shrugged, and Asriel was still fuming, "Overwatch has an online series." He pointed out.

"That's not the same," Sans refused to accept this.

"So? It's still a series. Like anime."

"Woah, woah, woah, an online series about a video game is not even remotely close to anime." MK jumped to the defense.

"Guys, come on, I want to go to the bomb Halloween party that the school is throwing. I want to scare the life out of some people since I pulled off this costume in one night." I stated, wondering towards the door.

"I better get a shout out," Sans pipped up a little bit, walking over with me, the two other trailing him.

"You are not a professional, Sans, and I'm sure people can assume the teleporting skeleton helped out his girlfriend with the one-day costume miracle." Asriel was being sassy.

MK visibly tensed up at the second part of that sentence, still uncomfortable with the fact that him and I were back together, and that he had. . . lost his chance. . .

"So? I still gotta get that promo, Asriel," Sans did dramatic hand gestures, referencing a group joke.

"You will never be as famous as PewDiePie," I ran down the walkway, Sans closely following me shouting, "I will overtake the YouTube lord! I will do it!"

"Sure," Asriel smirked as Sans repeated himself.

I rolled my eyes at the troop of boys behind me, "Ladies, ladies, you're all pretty, now, get in the car or I will make you pay for the ride."

The three dashed into the back seat of the car, forgetting that I had not actually called shot-gun, but was now.

"Shot-gun!" I sang, running to the front door, opening it and throwing myself in dramatically.

They all uuggghhhed in union, "I thought you had already called shot-gun."

"You thought," I buckled up, "But you were incorrect."

Once we were all buckled the driver took off, towards the school, the sky beginning to get dark.

"Is it weird I remember all the constellations off heart?"

MK made a face, "What?"

"Dork," Asriel teased.

"You remember? Not relearned, but off heart, off memory, remember?" Sans had a what expression.

I nodded, "Weird, huh?"

Sans nodded slowly, thinking about this on a deeper level than I was. I just assumed that it was what Asriel said; that I was a dork. An astronomer obsessor, or something.

The car pulled up to the school and the four got out, Sans still looking a little distracted.

"It's fine, Sans," I said, looping my arm through his, "This whole back from the dead has done weird things to me."

"To all of us," Sans laughed with a tension.

I laughed too, trying to ease the tension both of us felt, "Come on. I hear that they're playing the Ghostbusters theme at midnight, to honor the fact that the school is still up and standing after the attack all those years ago."

"Ghostbusters?! Hell yeah!" Asriel piped up.

MK was more or less silent, which was concerning for his bubbly personality.

There were loud music and chatter coming from the school, a never-ending source of people trickling in through and out the doors.

"Come on, man," I walked over to MK and nudged him, "You'll be fine."

"It's not that, it's--" He glanced over to Sans, "I-I'll be fine, thanks." He smiled, but the smile wasn't sincere.

I smiled back, feeling a bit guilty. We went into the large gymnasium, people and monsters dancing together and about. I thought back to the history class yesterday, the division of monsters and humans. I could only think about how those boundaries had been annihilated, just with one person's determination. With a small group of friend's determination and a lot of political disturbances, the borders between species had been erased.

"Frisk!" Undyne ran over, Alphys trailing her.

She picked me up and off of the ground, causing me to squeak out of surprise, and put me down.

"You make an amazing Tracer!" She shouted.

"Aha!" I pointed at Asriel, "This is why you don't doubt me!"

MK laughed a little bit, Sans laughing, too. Asriel crossed his arms, "I don't rest my case."

"A one day costume is a miracle in itself," Alphys said, being a pretty well-known cosplayer in the online community.

"Ha!" I gently punched Asriel's shoulder.

"I rest my case," He put his hands up in surrender.

I smirked, "Victory!"

Asriel rolled his eyes, the group laughing a little bit. His facial expression suddenly changed.

"Chara would have loved this," He said, looking around the fully decorated gymnasium.

The group got a bit quiet, "Yeah, she would have. . ." I replied quietly.

He nodded slowly, looking around the gym at the same pace, "You think she's okay?"

"If she isn't, we'll get her back soon enough. We'll help her get through this." Sans told him in a reassuring and determined tone.

He sighed, "It's okay. She'll be okay. We'll get her back. A-Anyways, let's get our party on!"

The group nodded, cheering, and we headed out onto the dance floor.

It was almost midnight.

A/N: Le cliffhanger. What will happen at midnight?

Anyways, I just wanted to quickly reach out and say, hello, yes, I am back from the dead. Sorry for not updating, I just had no idea what to do for this part, since the last one gave me a bit of writer's block.

And, yes, this i s the Halloween special, over a week late. Sue me.

But, with all that aside, I will try and make updates more frequent.

Until next time, stay glitchy my glitches, because those imperfections are beautiful, and have a great time zone.

~ anonymous_glitch

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