Chapter 1

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Your day couldn't have been any better than today. You were finally accepted into your dream school, New York Film Academy.

A/n: Sorry but this is like, one of the best schools for acting. Also is my dream school cause I wanna be a screenwriter. (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)

Your parents were overwhelmed as you read them the letter of acceptance out loud. They congratulated, called your relatives and later that week threw a party. You couldn't wait to start this fall as it would be nerve racking to be a freshman in a big time place. You've always wondered what New York was like as you never seriously experienced snow or the opened city. (Sorry if you live here.)

The last months of Highschool went quickly as you made new friends and got along with your new teachers, with the exception of a few. Because every year there's always that one teacher who makes your life a living hell. As the last goodbyes were shared between friends, it was finally time you started packing for the academy. You packed your favorite outfits, blanket, and pillow, filling up around 3 suit cases.

It was finally time to start practicing the lines that the academy had sent you as your audition would be held on the first day. The script consisted of a complex, romantic love triangle. A girl loves the boy but the boy falls for another, the girl he loves not knowing her true feelings. You rolled your eyes.

Sounded pretty familiar.

You read on, falling more deeply in love with the writing as it went, even if it was a bit short. You had decided to take the girl you thought you'd relate to most, which was the main female protagonist, given you've been in her situation before. The lines flowed almost too naturally, it was surprising to see how this would go on but just like all great things, this unfortunately was only a taste of the real thing. You had only gotten the first 5 pages, so you memorized, enacted, and felt with your heart.

            ~Time skip to auditions~

This was your time to shine. Your five minutes of fame happened right here and you were next! The academy had paid for your plane ticket as you had gotten a full ride to the school anyways. You'd be moving into your dorm in about a week so you'd thought ahead of time and brought your stuff anyways. School had started today but most of the classes were just introduction. As you it to the theatre room, you walked back stage and waited in the line for auditions. There was a girl before you. She was around your height, rather slender. Her face was something out of a Hollywood movie with her well shaped lips, her wavy, dirty blonde hair that went down half her back and her delicate eyes that shinned sapphire. She was gorgeous. And to top it off she was trying to get the same part as yourself, and as much as you would hate to admit it, she was doing an amazing job.

Her audition soon ended and it was your time to shine. She walked back through the side opening and flashed you a smile, wishing you luck.

What a nice girl.

You walked to the center, a single spotlight pointed directly at you. Three administrators watched you intently, nodding for you to start. At first, you were a rust. But as you started to forget your surroundings, it became natural, the flow of it falling into place as your expressions grew true. Everything disappeared, your mind creating its own world. Blurry, but you started to make out a school, the old school of your town. You saw old friends, the beach, the city, and last, a boy that popped into your mind after a long year and a half. His forest green hair, his smile, the sincerity in his eyes. For a spring of the moment, you smiled. But it soon faded into sorrow. The pain, sadness, and betrayal all coming at once. As you finished your final line, a tear escaped from your E/c orbs.

A loud applause sounded from the three judges. You snapped back into reality, rubbing your eyes as you have an apologetic smile.

"I see this touched you on a personal level dear." The middle judge with reddish raven hair said. You just nodded and giggled.

"I've been through something like this. So I thought since I could relate to the character, I'd pick her." The all nodded and jotted down a few things.

"That was an excellent choice. Well done. We won't be seeing anyone else today. Or ever, haha. I think we've found our star." An older man smiled.

"Welcome to New York Academy. You'll be starring a big role. I hope we could count on you. Rehearsal starts tomorrow, be ready." You nodded furiously. Holy shit. You just got the main role!

"Hell yeah! Thank you so much! I'll study hard!" They nodded. You excused yourself and called your parents. This was an amazing time to be alive and man you couldn't wait for them to hear the news. The girl from before called you. You didn't know how she knew your name, maybe through the attendance sheet?

"Hey! Um, what's up?" She smiled and crossed her arms.

"Looks like we'll be working together. I got the third main role. Looks like I'm your rival now." She chuckled. You smiled at her and shook her hand. You could tell she was probably a year or two older than you, so you were a bit timid in her presence. Eventually, you said your goodbyes as you headed back toward your dorms.

                      ~At Rehearsal~

You entered the place, it was absolutely ginormous. It's professional set up was what captivated you though, with its large structure and the upbeat atmosphere. You looked around for a bit. Familiarizing with the set up and how it would work. As you walked back to the stage, your eyes caught a glimpse of green hair. You shook you head and laughed.

'No way. I'm just imaging things.' You thought.

But as the man turned around, it revealed a shocking discovery. Your heart dropped to your stomach, your face heating. He looked so much more mature with his toned body and much taller form. He turned toward you, his eyes wide as he froze. This isn't happening.

No way. 


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