someone I haven't seen in years

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Ravens pov

"Can't you just give me a few more days to get the money?" "No Ms. Raven I can't I'm sorry, I've given you 2 months" after begging my landlord for another 20 minutes I go to pack my things. The thing is though I have no where to go and I don't want to be on the streets again so I do the only thing I could, I called my older brother. At least then I wouldn't be alone because I have friends up in LA too. So I call Mark (M=Mark R=Raven)
R=Hey Mark
R= I know but I sadly have to ask you for help......
M=What is it?
R=I need a place to stay would you happen to have a spare room I could use for a while?
M=Of course when are you coming?
R= next weekif that ok???
M= yes it is see you then little sister!!!!

after putting my phone down i changed into ripped jeans, baggy t-shirt  grabbed my phone and all the money i had saved cause now i didn't need it since i was being kicked out. i left that shitty trailer found my dealer Kobe, told him i was being kicked out and asked for everything he could give me cause i was leaving tomorrow. "if you get caught with all this don't you fucking snich on me" 

"why the fuck would i do that who do you think i am, i've done time for you before" after that i slapped him in the back of the head. "hey hey hey i know i'm just warning you cause you're gonna be going through security" he put his hands up in defence. he gave me what he could cause he had more people to sell to and we said our goodbyes. after getting home i sit down at the kitchen table take a point and i don't remember anything but going to bed. 

it was 5pm when i woke up the next day....................

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<the next week>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

 i wake up an hour before i had to catch my flight and i still had to pack i thew everything in bags and on my way to the air port called mark and told him i was on my way to the airport i call mark and tell him i'm on my way to the airport. i start to feel sick but i ignore it because i know its because im starting to  tweak i just hope i make it to LA without sezing

i made it just in time to catch the plane

《《《《《Time skip》》》》》》》

I slept the entire plane ride, now I'm waiting for Mark to pick me up. i start feeling light headed. on top oh that he also texted me this morning he forgot to tell me he had two other people living with him, and they were coming with him to get me. I finally see Mark he looks shocked about how I look
Ripped jeans,short bright red hair, and a t-shirt that looked like a bandana and pail from slowly getting sick. My face had also slimmed out a lot. I walked up to Mark and hugged him then I see Tyler he came up to me with open arms and we hugged. After we pulled away I saw someone I didn't know. He walked up to me and said "my name's Ethan you must be Raven, Mark hasn't stopped talking about you since you said you were coming" he was shy I could tell he took one shaky hand out for me to shake but I hugged him anyway. "In this family we give hugs." he half screamed earning weird looks from the rest of the group. 

Welp that was the first chapter lovely people hope you liked itttt

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2018 ⏰

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