Part 5

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It had been almost a week since I had started staying at the Key's house.

And if we're being completely honest, I felt the happiest I had in a long time.

The three of us had so much fun together.

Devan and I would go to school during the day and when we got home in the afternoon, we would finish our homework as quickly as we could and then we would help Collins with his youtube videos.

Collins was out of video ideas, but we saw a challenge going around and decided to do a girlfriend tag video with Devan and me.

This would be the time that I was introduced to the keyper family.

I was really excited but kind of nervous to let everyone know that Devan has a girlfriend.

Collins started the video as usual with,

"Hey guys it's Collins Key and today we're going to be doing something a little different. To help me explain I need my little brother. Everyone please welcome Devan Key!"

Collins snapped to make Devan appear and then said,

"We're actually going to need one more guest, so please welcome for the very first time, Devan's girlfriend, Y/n!"

I went and sat in the chair next to Devan.

Collins explained the rules to the challenge,

"I'm going to ask either Devan or y/n a question about the other person. If they get the question wrong, I am going to dump water on them. Whoever is the loser at the end, the other person gets to post an embarrassing picture on Instagram off the loser. So let's go!"

By the end of the video, Devan and I were both soaked.

I'm going to proudly announce that I was the winner, so guess what was going up on Instagram?

We signed off and I went up to my room to change clothes.

When I got back downstairs, Devan asked, "Hey y/n, do you want to go to the park? We can hang out there for a few hours before we have to come back to eat dinner. "

I smiled and said, "You mean like on a date? I would love to. That is, if you forgive me for posting that pic of you."

Devan said, "You know, that's a tough one. But I think I'll forgive you. This time that is."

We laughed then left the park together a few minutes later, hand in hand.

As we walked down the trail in the park, we talked about my family and how my mom was going to be coming back home in a few days.

Then Devan asked, "So, I don't know if you want to tell me, but what's the story about your dad? I mean I know you don't hear from him or anything, but what happened? You don't have to tell me."

I took a deep breath.

I knew I had to tell him sometime, so I guess now was the time.

"Well, up until a few years ago, my dad lived with us but I wished he didn't. He was so mean to me and my mom. He hurt us physically and verbally. We didn't know what to do because we were so scared."

By this time I had tears running down my face and Devan had pulled me into a hug.

We sat down on a bench and I took a deep breath and finished telling him what happened.

"My mom got a divorce and he left. We haven't seen him since then. He doesn't care about either of us."

We just sat on the bench for a while, me wrapped in Devans arms.

We decided to head back to the house.

When we got back, I went straight up to my room and didn't come out for the rest of the day.

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