Geting a job

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hey im new and i hop you like it


3rd pov

Your name is Y/N and you where looking to find a new job and you could not deside if you want to work at freddy fazbears pizza,or chucky cheese but you figure out that you wanted to work a freddys because you only went there a fue times as a kid when you where 7 and it was fun but you stoped going there for some reason and you now 17(dang thats 10 years soooooo sad)looking for a job.You live in a house that was big enough for 1 person and that was you,your parents died in a car reck when you where 10 and you have bean liveing on you own sents then.

~a fue minute later by hot dogs~

You got the job and now you start tonight so you got in the shower and got some warm clouths and because it is cold as heck outside.By the time you was there you saw that nothing was different the whole bilding was the same when you left 10 years ago.You got there early to help clean the tables but not help that you fell something or someone watch you help but you rub it off and still help clean.

~1 minute later~

When every body left you start to look at the animatronics and start to wonder how are these thing working for so long and yey are still the same you here the bell ring and you went to the offes and look at all the stuff that is there and in the corner of your eye you saw a cupcake toy and it says I'M A CUPCAKE really loud and you start to look at the camras and then you hear the phone go of and a man stars to talk after the talk you look at the camras and see that bonnie is gone and you start to freak out,so you shut all the doors and the power was gong down and you panict even more then you did before. The power was off and it was dark and you saw a light and it was freddy's song.And then there was nothing darkness all you saw was someone drag you and put you in a wolf sute and then nothing.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry if this is short but I did my best and I hop you like it.

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