A Litte Too Much

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"Shh, it's okay sweetie. Mommy's here." Charlotte attempted to calm Amelia. "Shawn could you get her bottle ready for me before you leave." Charlotte plead.
"Sorry baby I have to go. I'm already late. Bye Charlotte Rae, I love you. Bye baby girl, be good for mommy." Shawn kissed the top of his two beloved girls head.
"But-" Charlotte was about to argue with him, sighing when she heard the front door slam shut. "Sh, momma's got you." Charlotte held Amelia close to her chest.
"Let me get your bottle, yeah?" Charlotte placed Amelia in her playpen to get her breakfast. Once Charlotte his into the kitchen, she opened the medicine cabinet and grabbed ibuprofen to try and tame the massive headache that pounded with each baby sob that rang through her ears.
Charlotte sighed and started making her daughters bottle wishing she could get some time to rest.
Charlotte took the bottle out of the microwave and walked over to the playpen where she met the, still crying, baby.
She carefully takes Amelia out of the pen and walked her over to the living room and sat on the couch with Amelia on her lap.
Amelia soon hushed, drinking her beloved milk out or the bottle very quickly. "Woah, is my princess hungry?" Charlotte lightly laughed. Charlotte couldn't stay stressed for long with Amelia in the room.
Amelia was the light of Charlotte's world. Whenever Charlotte was having a bad day she can always count on her little girl to cheer her up.
Once Amelia was done eating, Charlotte burped her applauding her when she finally burped. Then, Charlotte brought Amelia to her room for a nap since, at her age, eating wears her down.
Charlotte laid down in her own bed sighing of relief, finally getting to relax. Day by day as Amelia gets older she becomes more and more fussy.
Not even five minutes after Charlotte drifted off she was awoken by the high pitched cries. At this point Charlotte was ready to cry. She hasn't gotten a full nights sleep in weeks. Shawn sleeps through all his daughters cried from hoe exhausted he was from work.
That led Charlotte to have to care for Amelia all day and all night. Shawn would take her every now and then when he had no extra work, but that never really happened. It was always just Charlotte and Amelia.
Charlotte sat on the edge of her bed, tears pricking her eyes. She was getting so overwhelmed and the stress was becoming to much.

poor charlotte:( i feel bad for her. only like three more chapters ahhh!! are y'all ready for the end? i don't think you are at all i wasn't even ready for the end omg

ily guys

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