2. Man In Uniform

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"What took you so long?" I said watching Christopher rush into the classroom. It was the second period of the day and we both were scheduled to apply for HPU. The only reason we came was the fact that the admissions counselor for the university would be giving out a fee waiver code so we wouldn't have to pay the fifty dollars. 

"Rodriguez wouldn't stop talking," he said out of breath.

"Why the hell are you breathing so hard? Rodriguez's class is just across from here," I eyed his tired state.

"The," he said as he took a deep breath, "stairs." He took a seat next to me near the other 4 computers in this small classroom and dropped his bag onto the table loudly. How is he so out of breath? He's on the tennis team for goodness sake!

"Hi Christopher," Mr Owns greeted Chris with a smile. "Are you here for the HPU application?" Mr Owens asked. He's the college and careers counselor at our school. He was a Japanese bald guy who was probably in his mid 50s. I visited him a few times about a couples questions with my transcripts.

"Hi Mr," Chris waved back. "And yeah, I am." 

Mr Owen searched for a paper on his desk and told us to sign our names onto it to verify that we attended the presentation. He told us to log onto the school's website and just wait until the universities admission counselor arrives. 


Thirty minutes went by and they still hasn't arrived. Turns out, they were helping a much larger group of students with their application in another class. We knew this because Mr Owens printed us a paper of instructions on how to complete the application (which, we knew how to do by the way; we were only here for the fee waiver) with the code on it. Times are hard, ok?

"How has this application changed your perspective on HPU?" Chris whispered as he read the question. "How do we even answer this!" He exclaims throwing his hands up confused.

"Just bullsh*t it." I shrugged, typing away. All I heard was a groan in reply then typing. The door slammed open, scaring the both of us.

"Oh my god, Kyle!" I breathed, holding my hand to my heart to make it slow down. "You scared the hell out of me!" Kyle was a senior just like Chris and I. He stood at 5'10'' with black hair and hazel eyes. The first time I met him was during a slam poetry our teachers forced us to have in freshman year. His voice was heaven, by the way. So good that I literally cried during his slam poetry. Anyways, we both had mutual friends and after the event, we were introduced and we've been friends since then.

Kyle apparently was here for the application, too. I asked him why he was here so late and apparently he was signed up for the same time slot as we were but couldn't afford to miss that class. Chris and I missed physics, a class where once you missed one period, you've basically missed an entire lesson, but oh wells. We spent the rest of the 30 minutes of the period finishing our applications and Chris and I finished by the time the lunch bell rang. Kyle wasn't even half way done because of how much we've been distracting him from his application. 

We were discussing what we were majoring in for college when I heard the door open and I'm assuming one of Christopher's friends walks in because Chris leaves the conversation to start talking with whoever the guy was. I felt a pair of eyes on me but  paid no mind and continued my conversation with Kyle. Apparently he didn't even bother about thinking about college until last month because he never saw himself attending college after high school but after hearing everyone talk about it, he thought he would at least try to apply to the colleges on island. He jokingly asks if he could just put his major down as undecided on the application and I laughed along because 1) you'd be wasting a sh*t ton of money and 2) HPU doesn't allow students to be undecided in their majors. I suggested it'd better if he just attended community college and get his liberals and see where it leads him. He agreed.

"Hey, Eva." Chris interrupts our conversation. I turn around to look at him and raise my eyebrows in question. My eyes drift to his friend sitting next to him. I couldn't hold contact with attractive people and this guy was cute. He had black hair, tan skin, a sharp jawline, dark brown eyes, and wore his JROTC uniform. His uniform somehow made him 10 times much more attractive. I don't know what it is about a man in uniform, but it's a huge turn on. At least for me it was. He also seemed to be quite tall too, probably 5'9''. "Wanna go to the soccer game tonight?" My eyes drifted back to Christopher's.

"Are you picking --"

"You up? You know the drill." He reassured me. Christopher is always my ride to activities whenever we decide to do something together since I don't have a car. I placed the palm of my hands together in a sign of thanks to Chris and smiled big, showing off my teeth.

"So what time?" I asked.

"The game starts at 6," Chris answers. "So you better be ready by then, Eva!" He warns. I scoffed. If anything, he's the one who's always late. There was this one time when --

"Great, so I'll see you guys then," says Chris's friend who I still don't know the name to say. Chris and him say their byes and leaves.

"Um..." I say confused as I look at Christopher. "What does he mean by I'll see you guys then?"

"He's on the soccer team, Eva."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2017 ⏰

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