Cohabitation • pt 1 •

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* Jughead moves in with the Coopers. *
includes bughead fluff // just writing this to make me happy and pretend this story line didn't get cut.

"Well well well Jones. Looks like you're all settled in." Betty teases, leaning on the wall at the entrance of her boyfriends new room.

Last week, Mr and Mrs Cooper offered to be Jugheads new legal guardians which meant he'd be living with them full time. Which also meant he'd be sixteen and living with his girlfriend.

It didn't take him long to decide what he wanted to do. And here he is, one week later, in a new room, new house.

"Looks good in here, Jug." Betty says while looking around at things he's put up on his wall.

She notices a framed picture on his bedside table of the two looking at each other smiling like fools in love. "Hey who took this?" Betty asks, "i don't remember this being taken." she adds now holding the frame.

"Veronica, i think," Jughead starts. "or maybe it was Archie. I just know that Archie gave this to me but honestly, between you and me, he doesn't seem like he'd be the best photographer to capture a moment like this." Jug admits.

Betty chuckles. "Not gonna argue with you on that one." she set the photo down to its original spot and walks towards Jughead sitting on his new bed.

Without saying a word, she sits next to him.

"This is so.. so..." Betty searches for the right word. "strange."

Jughead raises his eyebrows questioning he facial expressions.

"In a good way!" They laugh. He places his hand on her thigh as she rests her head on his shoulder.

A few moments later, Alice, Betty's mom, walks in the room.

"Okay, kids. We're going to have to set some rules for the two of you." she says sternly.

Betty and Jughead both sigh and separate from their comfortable position.

"First, if you two are in a bedroom, doors open. No further questions." Alice says as Betty rolls her eyes.

"Also, no sneaking around at night to see each other. So help me, if we need to get cameras for the house i will do it."

"I know you would." Betty says quickly before her mom could continue. "Honestly, mom do you think we are a couple of sex addicts? Cause we're not."

Jugheads jaw drops behind Alice's head when Alice quickly turns her head to face her daughter.

Betty is dead serious. There is no trace of humour on her face whatsoever.

"I do not think that of you, Betty. But now that Jughead lives here. With you. Us. And as long as the both of you are still together. There will be rules."

"I get it. No sneaking around, no closed doors. Is that all?" Betty is visibly annoyed by her mother.

"I think so," Alice seems alarmed as she stands and walks out to the hall.

"Oh and," Alice halts, "I want you in your respective rooms by 10:30 the latest." she walks away before Betty can snap at her again. But not before making sure her words got to Jughead by holding eye contact for longer than wanted.

Betty sighs, "I'm sorry about that."

"Betts, if you don't stop apologizing for your mother now, 'sorry' will be the only word in your vocabulary." Jughead says making Betty smile before she rests her head right back on his shoulder where it was before her mother interrupted.

Bughead one shotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ