Grandpa Visits

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Kat was brushing out her hair, attempting to get out the dried blood that the shower hadn't gotten. She definitely was not winning her battle since the ends of her hair were clumping together annoyingly.

She'd put Percy to bed, but after he'd suffered a nightmare in which neither she nor Clint came for him, Kat had been forced to sit by his bed and watch over him while he slept. So far so good, no more nightmares. A breath of wind blowing behind her made her Kat smile slightly.

" You have a habit of turning up at all hours of the night, don't you," Kat murmured with amusement twinkling in her now green eyes.

" If it means that I can see you, then of course," Loki chuckled deeply.

" You do realize that Percy now thinks Thor is his uncle, imagine how his 'uncle' would react to hearing you visited his 'nephew'" Kat inquired with a small smirk, carding her hands through Percy's soft hair.

Her father snorted, rolling his bright eyes in contempt.

" What my oaf of a brother thinks matters not to me, what my grandson thinks, however, does," Loki informed airily at the thought of his brother having a better relationship with little Percy.

" My child, you know that Percy is not a mortal, he will need my guidance, the guidance of a wise man, rather than one who prefers to bash people with a hammer," Loki added as an afterthought, staring down at the softly sleeping child and kitten curled together in a ball.

" I am aware that he has...abilities..that will make things difficult to him, I sensed the sea the moment he first hugged me thanks to the knowledge of the realms you gave me, father, I would be honored if you taught him to control his abilities when he grows older," Kat sighed, eyes narrowing at the thought of what Percy would have to face soon.

" You wouldn't train him yourself?" Loki inquired.

" No, father, you know that  I love you but no one should know my parentage, the world is not ready to accept one of Loki's blood," Kat grumbled out, bitterness in her tone.

Loki sat down beside her and planted a kiss on her forehead.

" The path my children walk is seldom easy, you are an Asgardian, my child, but I see that Midgard is the home you've chosen, I will not question that, but do you truly want to hide yourself from your own son?" Loki murmured gently.

" I never wanted to hide, father, but you know hat happened to mother, people can not know or all three of us will be in danger. My enhanced reflexes and abilities can be explained away as extra training, but magic....magic is another story entirely," Kat rebuked.

" You are right as always my dear," Loki murmured.

The two of them sat in comfortable silence for a while, Kat still petting Percy's hair as the little boy leant in to her touch unconsciously, his face content in sleep. Loki sat on the bed with her, taking her brush in his hands and starting where she left off.

She knew that either way, Loki would be a part of Percy's life, whether she allowed him to meet Percy in person, or whether he watched over the boy from afar. He would be able to train Percy, to nurture him her she could not, he could teach her son the things men needed to learn from their father, or in this case, their grandfather. Poseidon didn't seem to be making any moves towards claiming the boy, at least not yet. She knew Loki was waiting for her verdict.

" Stay, father, stay with me for a while, even if it's just a week, let Percy get to know you," Kat pleaded, making up her mind.

" If I didn't know better, I'd say you want too pend time with me," Loki murmured.

" Whatever gave you that idea?" Se shot back, smiling contentedly.

Percy shifted in his sleep whining softly in the start of a nightmare. Loki twisted his hand towards  Percy, a soft green light dissipating around his forehead. Percy settled down with a contented sigh.

" He'll sleep soundly through the rest of the night, go to sleep my child, I'll take the couch," Loki informed with a small smirk.

Kat laughed out loud at the thought, a god sleeping on her couch, it just seemed strange to her.

" Goodnight father," She chuckled, waltzing out of the room.

Loki was sitting at the kitchen table reading a book when she got up, heading towards Percy's room to wake the boy.

" Goodmorning," Kat murmured tiredly.

Loki flashed her a smirk in reply.

She opened the door to Percy's room, and crossed to the bed swiftly, shaking his shoulder gently.

" Wake up my champion," She murmured.

Percy shifted, a pout creasing his face.

" It's Saturday, five more minutes....." He murmured sleepily, not even bothering to open his eyes.

" I have a surprise, don't you want to be awake for it?" Kat teased.

Percy shot out of bed faster than a bullet, a huge grin on his face as he dragged a mewing Nico out of bed as well. The disgruntled, rudely awakened cat mewed in annoyance.

" What is it? What is it?!" He asked excitedly, bouncing up and down.

" Get dressed, come to the kitchen and I'll show you," Kat chuckled, ruffling his hair gently.

Percy giggled, rushing towards the bathroom with his bundle of clothes, putting Nico on the floor so that the cat could walk around.

It was ten minutes later when the sound of giggling floated down the hallway. Kat was frying up the pancakes in one hand, while the other poured juice and coffee in to cups. Loki sniffed the air appreciatively, glad his daughter at least inherited her mother's cooking skill.

Percy and Nico skidded in to the kitchen, an orange finding Nemo shirt and khaki shorts forming a bright blur as he skidded to a halt, black hair in disarray. 

He stopped and started at Loki, who put down his book and gazed back at Percy with an equally curious stare.

" Mummy, is this my surprise?" Percy asked curiously, stepping hesitantly closer to Loki who smiled invitingly.

" Yes, Percy, this is my father, your grandfather and he's staying for a week," Kat introduced, flipping the pancake son to three plates.

" Hi hi!" Percy giggled, hugging Loki's leg, which was about all he could currently reach.

Loki stared down at the boy hugging his leg with a baffled look. Kat give him a gesture that seemed to say 'go on'. Getting off his chair, he squatted to face Percy at eye level.

" Hi hi," He repeated back to the boy, watching as a bright grin reappeared on the child's face.

He could just feel the child wrapping him around his little finger.

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