Domination. Yang x Male Reader x Cinder.

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I looked out over my dark void of a dimension that I was trapped in from within my personal chambers in my castle that I had made with my powers. I placed a ghostly white hand on my heavily pregnant stomach. I closed my eyes with a smile as I used my powers to look at the baby growing inside me and my smile grew but it vanished as I heard someone knock on my door.
"Enter," I said and the giant marble doors opened to revel my faithful pet Cinder. She walked in nervously and waited for me to face her. When I turned around she was shocked to see my bulging stomach and I scowled at her and she looked away in fear.
"Cinder, do not be afraid what is it that you want?" I asked calmly but her nervousness was still there when she spoke.
"M-my mistress the council is ready for you," she said and I smiled at her. I reached out one of my elegant arms and cupped her cheek.
"Thank you my pet" I said as I walk towards the council room with Cinder in tow.

When I arrived all talking stopped and the people gathered looked at me first with surprise before emotionless expressions spread over their faces apart from Tyrian who had his normal maniacal smile cemented on his face.
"Greetings I wont hold you up from doing my work but I called you here for as you can see I am with child" I said and watched their expressions. Watts put up his hand and I inclined my head towards him allowing him to speak.
"My lady if it is my place may I ask who the father is?" he asked and I smiled
"There is no father, the child is mine and mine alone he was birthed using an old spell I made millennia ago," I explained and he nodded
"Now next thing I need you all to place your hands on this orb" I said as my Seer Grimm placed a dark black orb in my hands. They looked fearfully at it and I smiled.
"This will transfer a portion of your aura and in turn your semblance to my child making him unstoppable" I explained "Think of this as your final test of trust"
Immediately Hazel placed his enormous hand on the orb and red volts cackled around his hand making him fall to the ground in pain. After the volts retreated he stood up shakily and made his way back to his seat without a word. I smiled at him and nodded. He nodded back respectively. One by one the others all gave their powers to my child before the Seer took the orb back to my chambers.
"Now thanks to your added powers when my son is born in two days he will grow extremely fast by the end of the week he will appear to be an 18 year old. Cinder I want you to take him to Vale and teach him while I rest here" I said and she nodded
"Of course Mistress" she said and I nod
"Then you are dismissed"

Two weeks later
Your P.O.V.

You jumped over rooftops and ducked under cranes as you raced towards the docks of Vale. You landed on the Schnee Corporation's dust ship and proceeded to silently suffocate the guards. They fell to the floor and you spat on them with disgust.
"Pathetic worms" you said as you ignite fire in your hands and shoot two balls of fire into the night sky. Moments later White Fang jumped on board and they began unloading the giant crates of dust. Your bright red eyes glowed with power as the dark black veins around your eyes, signaling your claim to your mother's throne, drew more attention to your eyes. You watched the grunts with distain as they worked.
"Such pathetic and easily manipulated fools" you thought to yourself.
"Excellent work master your powers are coming along perfectly" came a slightly nervous female voice. Without even turning around you knew it was Cinder.
"I should hope so Cinder, I am the second most powerful being next to my mother" you say turning around and walking off but Cinder followed behind you like a puppy.

Suddenly you stopped and turned to face Cinder. You waved your hand and two identical masks appeared out of shadows. ()
"Put these on we are about to be attacked" you say and she nods while she puts on the mask. The two of you race back to the ship but see the grunts still working. Your growl lowly as you use your powers to search for heat signatures. You heard something behind you and whipped around with dark swirling orbs in your hands. You see four teenaged girls in Beacon uniform's standing with their weapons out. Cinder let out a small gasp behind you; you kept your eyes on the girls but motioned for her to tell you why she gasped.
"Master those are the runts that keep disrupting our plans" she said and you smiled sadistically which unnerved the girls.

"Who are you two?" asked the blond one as she pointed an armored finger at the two of you.
"And what are you doing?" said the girl with white hair
"Our names are not for you to know as of the moment and what we are doing is none of your concern," you say
"Well I'll have you know that you are standing on Schnee property so I advise you to leave immediately before we call the authorities or deal with you ourselves" said the white haired girl whom you know now as Weiss
"You wouldn't survive" Threatened Cinder and the others are taken back. You smile without letting Cinder see.
"She is rather competent after all," you thought
"Now if you will kindly piss off we have dust to steal," you say which outrages Weiss as she rushes you.

You throw the black orbs in your hands and they transform into two Grimm of your own design that your mother was incredibly proud with.
( that's one there's the other)

The girls were again taken back as you demonstrated your power. You gave a maniacal laugh, a trait you inherited from Tyrian, as the dragon and the saber tooth Grimm rushed the girls while you and Cinder took pot shots at the huntresses with your fire. After ten minutes the girls had barely any aura left to help them stand let alone fight. You called back your Grimm and they waited obediently by your side. The girl in the red cape coughed and spluttered blood from her mouth as she tried to talk.
"Wh-what are you" she asked terrified. Unfortunately for her she got her blood on your shoes... Your favorite shoes.
"Your worst fucking Nightmare" you growl before you curb stomp her head making her crumple to the ground in a heap. You pulled her cape off of her and wrapped it around you and you chuckled before using the Schnee's hair to wipe the blood off your shoe.
"RUBY... y-you monster!" screamed the blond one as she tried to crawl towards the knocked out girl. You walked calmly over to her and pulled her by her hair.
"Such a pretty young body, hmm I think I might keep you for myself" you said with a sadistic smile. "Tell me Blondie what's your name?" you ask and she spits in your face.
"G-go to hell" she stammered but you saw fear clear in her eyes.
"Oh but darling that's where you're going" you say before turning to Cinder.
"You can have one too if you want" you say before walking off dragging the blond by her hair. You make your way to the bullhead that the White Fang were loading the dust onto. When they saw you dragging the girl they looked at you in shock as they whispered among themselves.

"That's the girl that beat us all up last time!" was a common phrase you heard them say and you smile grew as you heard them. You raised the girl above your head displaying her defeated form as a trophy and the White Fang cheered and whistled and a few even started to chant your name. When you brought her down your expression changed into one of complete seriousness.
"Hurry up and get that dust to the base!" you bark and they scramble over each other to leave. Soon there was just one bullhead left, the pilot inside shook in his boots as you strode inside. You waited for all of thirty seconds before you began shutting the door but then you herd Cinder's voice speak up.
"MASTER WAIT PLEASE!" she yelled over the noise of the plane's engines. You sighed before opening the door again and you saw Cinder with the Schnee girl in her arms the blood still in her hair.
"Fun choice have fun breaking her" you say as the pilot takes off.

Of course an investigation was launched and it was of course a massive one since you had kidnapped not only the niece and daughter of two very powerful huntsmen but the heiress to the whole Schnee Corporation as well. But of course with your powers you kept the investigation from getting any more leads than Ruby and Blake from telling the cops that an extremely powerful person summoned two Grimm they had never before seen and his female friend along with members of the White Fang stole dust and attacked them.
Right now you were lying on your bed listening to the latest news on the investigation. You held a leash in your left hand idly; the leash was connected to a collar that was tied around your slave's neck. Your slave, whom you now know as Yang, had put up quite a fight but over the past two weeks you eventually broke her and now she was your faithful and loyal slave willing to do anything for you.
Yang sat obediently at the edge of the bed her knees tucked under her bum and hands in her lap as she waited for instructions.

You tugged on the leash and she looked at you with love filled eyes. You drew her attention to the T.V. and she looked at it. The T.V. changed to show a distraught Taiyang.
"Please I'll do anything just bring my baby girl back home" he cried before you turned off the T.V. you looked at your slave pleased at how she looked. ()
They're talking about you my pet. But you don't want to go back do you?" you say smiling and Yang nods her head rapidly afraid she didn't answer in time.
"No master of course not I never want to leave you ever" she said. You smiled and pet her head her long gorgeous blond hair still perfect and soft to touch ne of the only things about her old self you let her keep.
"I know, you're a good girl aren't you" you say and she perks up even more
"I am?" she asks and you nod, you kiss her and she relishes the feeling before you pull away making her whine. At this you scowl and she flinches away with a whimper.
"I'm sorry master I didn't mean to" she said her voice quivering with fear. You went to raise a hand to smack her but put it down and instead pat her. She leaned into your touch like a puppy you smile at this.
"Come on let's go for a walk shall we?" you say standing up. Yang gets on all fours acting like a dog and when you tug on her leash she follows obediently. You walked Yang around the compound Roman called a base you went n search of Cinder and on the way saw Emerald and that Neo girl abusively pleasuring themselves with Weiss' body as she screamed into a gag that muffled her. You continued on and found Cinder sitting behind a desk with a stack of papers in front of her.

When Cinder saw you enter she tripped over herself trying to stand up as fast as possible.
"M-master to what do I owe the pleasure?" she asked and you smiled at her
"I just wanted to take my pet for a walk care to join me?' you ask and Cinder nodded.
You made a portal, which then took the three of you deep within the Forever Fall Forest. You let Yang of her leash and she ran around happily before stopping and doing her business behind a bush and then coming back to walk at your side. You patted her head and she yapped happily.
"Good girl" you say and she continues to "Walk" beside you.
"It is beautiful today master," said Cinder as she looked around the forest
"Yes it is, I think when I become king I will keep places like this for my children and their children to play in" you say shocking Cinder and even caused Yang to falter in her step before you smacked her ass making her yelp and she continued walking.

"Y-you have already thought about having children?" asked Cinder sadly
"Yes I have, I thought about having some with that Goodwitch teacher but then I thought it would be much easier and much less life threatening to just kill her. Then there was my pet's mother Raven but she is also too dangerous and besides my mother has already laid claims to her so she was out of the picture. My third choice was Winter Schnee but I think I will either keep her as a slave like Yang or make an example of her if needed to" you say and Cinder looks down sadly
"Oh I see," she says
"Then it hit me, who is a smart, strong loyal woman who isn't bad on the eyes and can easily manipulate people. That person is you Cinder," you say and she perks up but you also took notice of Yang's even sadder expression and you smiled.
"Y-you mean..." Cinder trailed off wanting you to confirm her suspicions
"I want you to be my queen and bear my children," you said and she squeals in happiness. You scowl at her behavior and she straightens herself up immediately
"Yes master of course I will I'd be more than happy to" she said and you nod before kneeling down in front of Yang
"And I haven't forgot about you my pet. Now this may very well be the only thing you get a choice about so think carefully... Do you or do you not want to also bear my children?" you ask and her eyes light up in joy and she bows her head and kisses your boots.
"Yes master please I want your babies I will give birth to them," she said in between kissing your boots. You brought Cinder over to you and kissed her lips tasting her warm lips as you slipped your tongue inside her mouth.

A year after the fall of Remnant you sat in the throne room of your caste that used to be Beacon. Your wife Cinder sat to your left while your other wife Yang sat to your right and you slave girls Winter and Glynda sat at your feet kissing them. Now that's not to say that Yang wasn't still your slave. All three of them had leashes and collars with their very own colors Yang just had certain privileges as your wife.
Suddenly the great hall door's opened and your soldiers, a fusion between human and Grimm, dragged in a bruised and bloodied Oscar and Ruby. They were thrown at your feet and the soldier kneeled behind them. You stood up gleefully and Winter and Glynda were pushed aside they sat at the feet of your wives. Winter with Yang and Glynda with Cinder.

"My, my, my what do we have here the last known shred of resistance to mine and my mother's rule?" you say and Oscar stands up and goes to punch you so you shot his knee cap with a bolt of fire forcing him on one knee.
"ARGHH" he yells out in pain
"Hmm I think my mother has plans for you and Ozpin so you'll go to her but as for you miss Rose" you say before turning to Yang "Did you want her?"
Yang thinks for a moment before replying "If I was aloud to I will take her as my own, but she will receive proper... training" she said eventually and you nodded. You flicked your wrists and a portal opened up and the soldiers took Oscar through it towards Salem. Yang got off her small throne and walked towards Ruby who was staring at Yang's pregnant stomach with shock.
"I know isn't it great sis, you'll be an aunt soon" said Yang excitedly as she dragged her away with some help by Winter who was charged with taking care of Yang during her pregnancy to relieve stress from you.

You felt two arms snake their way over your chiseled body and you felt three different mounds press themselves against your back. You turned to be face to face with a pregnant Cinder fall.
"My master why don't we have some fun while Yang trains her sister," she said as she kissed you
"Good idea, PET come over here!" you demand and Glynda crawls over to you with a dangerous yet fearful glint in her eye.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2017 ⏰

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Domination. Yang x Male reader x CinderWhere stories live. Discover now