Chapter 1: The Dream

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[Haku POV]

I'm running down this long corridor chasing this small ball of light. I don't know why I'm chasing it in the first place but I still do anyways even though it can lead me to anywhere. For once it leads me to a door, and it fades through it. I take the door knob in my hand and swing it open a bright light hit me making me turn away do to how bright it is. I turn my face back to it and see a tall figure that I always see. It makes my stomach tie in knots. I don't know why I only feel this way for one other person but I could never have them. As the figure reaches out to me I reach our as well, but once that happens I am flinged back to reality.

My green eyes slowly open my vision is blurry at first as I awaken. it comes to focus and I stair at the ceiling thinking about that dream once again. I think out loud. "What does it mean...?" I sigh and roll over on my side curling up under my covers and sigh once more. A knock at my door comes to sound. "Haku time to get up." A sweet voice says as the door creeps open. I look over and see it's my handsome older brother Hayate.

I blush brightly seeing that my brother is only in his pajama pants and no shirt on. He walks over to me and sits down on the edge of the bed. I look up at him. "What's wrong Hayate?" I ask. "... Nothing I thought you were asleep and I was going to wake you up." He said to me. I raise an eyebrow at him. "Okay.... what is the real reason?" I asked again. "Nothing" he says immediately. I sigh, as I was about to say something he gets up. "Come on breakfast is ready." he tells me and walks out of my room. I staired after him until the door closes and I roll over on my back and holds my hands to my face and let's out a soft groan. "Why am I in love with my brother....." I think inwardly as I slowly drift back off into my dream land...

[No POV]

As Haku have fallen back to sleep Hayate is leaning against his brother's door and lightly squeezes his hands into tight fisits. He lets our a sigh. "How will I tell him...?" Hayate says to himself under his breath. he then heads over to the table where he prepared Haku his breakfast.

He takes his brother's food off the table and puts it in the microwave. He looks over to his brother's door and smiles sadly and he heads to his room. Getting dressed and soon he comes back out in a white t-shirt, Red flannel over his t-shirt, black pants and black convers. he wrist a not to his little brother and sticks it on the fridge. Hayate then heads off to work and won't be back until 11:00 at night...

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