Chapter 2

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"Hey. My name's Katelyn." I stared at the tall girl from the assembly. We were put in our

dorms and there were two people per room. "Uh, what's yours?" I asked awkwardly. For a

girl that was so loud in the auditorium, she wasn't willing to talk to me now.




I stepped back a little and help up my hands defensively. "Okay. Sorry I asked."

I walked toward my luggage and zipped open my suitcase. By the time I pulled out my

favorite top, she had already finished unpacking. She sat on her bed and stared at me as I

continued to unload my belongings.

"Uh, can I help you?" I asked, still holding on to my clothes. She shook her head absently

and stared at me with a concentrated look on her face. When I was halfway done and she

still was staring, I looked up at her frustratingly and stared back. She realized about three

seconds later that I was doing the same thing that she was doing to me and looked down

to the floor.

I took a deep breath and sat on my bed.

"Hey. Look. I think we got off the wrong foot. This whole school war thing is insane and I

can't help but feel a little crabby."

"Uh, yeah. I guess so." Lauren looked up and pushed her glasses into place. "I was just...

trying to figure out what type of Hyrin that you were."

I gave her a look of admiration. "Did you know about this crazy Hyrin thing beforehand?

Because you're taking this pretty well."

"I never knew. But I guess you can say that I'm a headstrong girl. I fight whatever comes

my way. I don't have time for a social life or personal re-adjustments."

"You mean you're smart, strong, and you don't want friends or to look nice?"

"Sure, if you wanna dumb it down."

"Well, since we're going to be living together for four years, we might as well get to know

each other. Agreed?"

She looked at me over the rim of her glasses. "Did you not hear me? No time for social life


"Oh c'mon. Just one week of being my friend, and that'll change. No worries."

She gave an exasperated sigh and got up from her bed.

"Look. This isn't a game, no matter what the authority says. This is war. Anyone with a pair

of eyes and a single brain cell can see that. So why would you think that out of all the

possible times, you decided that we could be friends? In fact, we should be enemies. We

should be at each other throats by now. I didn't need a 'friend' for 14 years now, and I'm

not going to start. Espicially not when we're at war." She stormed to the bathroom and

slammed the door.

"Ooookay then. I think one of the first things I'll fix is your abillity to get along with others.

See you in class, I'll save you a seat." With that, I slipped on my sandals and made my way

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2012 ⏰

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