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//:Yeah Yeah I'm finally updating

Daisy's POV

Daisy woke up and looked around,Her vision was still blurry She had an IV in her arm."N-Nat?"

Natasha woke up."Daisy....You're awake!"She smiled happily.

Daisy groaned."Please don't be to loud..."

Natasha sighed softly."Sorry babygirl...."she murmured."I'm just glad that you are okay..."

Daisy blushed at the nickname Natasha had given her and she rubbed her eyes."Okay now I can see"Daisy muttered.

Natasha smiled at Daisy."No missions for you awhile..."Daisy frowned at her words.

"But Natasha..."Daisy pouts.

Natasha rolled her eyes playfully."Don't pout...It won't work on me"Daisy sighed softly."Will you at least cuddle me"Daisy looked at her.

Natasha smiled."Well of course I can.."Natasha responded got into bed beside Daisy."Better?"

Daisy pecked Natasha's lips."Much better"She mumbled onto Natasha's lips.

Natasha bit Daisy's bottom lip."Mm..."Daisy hummed."I never knew I'd be with the BlackWidow"Daisy smirked."I am guessing I'm lucky..."

Natasha smirked back."Really?hmm?"Daisy cuddled into Natasha."I love you Nat...."Natasha smiled."I love you to very very much Quake..."


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2017 ⏰

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