Underneath The Surface (One Direction FanFic)

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I rushed into the studio with my bags slung over my shoulder. I smiled to a couple people politely as I passed them but, most were to busy to even look my way. I quickly flashed my pass to the security that was in front of the door to the girls dressing room. He stepped aside and I opened the door to be welcomed by chaos. I sighed and ran my finger through my brown hair as I walked up to were Jade was.

Jade Thirlwall that is.

That's right, I work for the great Little Mix. Well, actually i'm there make-up person but, it's the thought that counts. Jade was getting her hair done by Lenny who sent me a quick 'hello' before going back to work. It was always like this when they had a gig. They were singing for a T.V show and it was always pretty hectic. I set my bags of make up down, which was a lot. Not because they wore a lot but, because each and everyone one of the girls wore different kind of makeup.

I grabbed the makeup remover towlet and removed any previous makeup she had on before as we started talking. I had become good friends with all the girls with all the time i've been working for them, so we had all gotten really close.

You could suddenly hear the door open and I quickly let my eyes flick to who walked into the room and saw it was Zayn Malik. I had seen him a couple of times for when he came to support Perrie in a gig. I smiled as I saw them greet each other by a kiss and focused back on Jade. I swear, those two are the most adorable couple on earth.

Normally once Zayn walks in, nobody else comes in. By now everybody who is supposed to be here is already here but, this time Liam Payne and Harry Styles walked in. Immediately everybody eyes flew to them for a second but, went back to work. I quickly finished Jade's make-up, wished her good luck and brought all my stuff to where Perrie was. I dumped the bags in front of her vanity and began taking the things I would use for her but, couldn't help but, feel watched. I brushed the feeling off and turned to Perrie with the make-up remover to take off any make-up she might of had on.

"Hey Leila, how you been?" I heard Zayn say to me, I smiled and my eyes flashed to him.

"Good, what about you?" I asked politely as I started doing Perrie's make-up, as I brought the brush to Perrie's face and saw Zayn frown at that. He hated when Perrie wore make-up, he always told her she was beautiful without it, I swear they're the most adorable thing ever. 

"I'm good." He replied but, kept frowning as I continued to apply the makeup to Perrie's face.

"Oh, by the way this is Liam and Harry." He said, I kept my eyes on Perrie's eyelid as I was applying the eye makeup to her eyes. I gave a small wave and a smile as I continued. 

"I know who they are." I said simply but, wanting to say so much more.

"Fan?" I heard Liam ask, I could here a smile behind his voice.

"You could say that." I replied. Who am I kidding? I was a total Directioner and had been since they were on the X-Factor. Perrie knew this and smirked as I put pink lipstick on her. I was very tempted to go right ahead and ask Zayn for his autograph and a picture the first time I met him but, I had to stay professional so I couldn't. 

"So Leila, how old are you?" I heard Harry say, my eyes flicked to him and I saw him staring at my butt. To young for your likes, I wanted to say but, restrained myself.


I said as I added the finishing touches on Perrie. Harry Styles just checked your butt out and all you can tell him is how old you are. Your internal voice said but, you blocked it out, that little voice was always getting me in trouble. Looking at Perrie one last time, I decided I was satisfied with my work and asked Perrie if she liked it. She smiled and nodded at me.

"Thanks Leila, now it's time for you to attend other important bussiness."

She said as her eyes flickered behind me, I turned around and saw Harry starring at my legs.

"Gosh, I knew I should have just worn sweatpants instead of skinny jeans." I said as I saw Harry look away blushing and I started collecting my things. I heard Perrie laugh and saw Zayn smirk and Liam had a knowing look. Looks like the flirt was at it again. I grabbed my things and started moving to were Jesy was. I set my things down and did her make-up but, kept feeling eyes on me.

"Looks like you have an admirer." Jesy said, her thick accent obvious to any ears, I rolled my eyes.

"You mean the guy who keeps staring at anything that's below my waist?" I asked sarcastically, she laughed and shrugged. I went to Leigh-Anne and was told the exact same thing except this time Leigh-Anne said that Harry was practicaly undressing me with his eyes.

I frowned and started feeling uncomfortable, I always felt weird when a boy seemed only interested in my body. I knew I didn't have a crappy body, not that I have a big ego ,but my parents were health freaks. They always made me eat healthy and do exercise no matter what and it rubbed off on me as I moved out after finishing high-school. Now I really did wish I just wore over sized sweatpants. I finished and the girls went to warm up their voices. 

I was left alone as I started cleaning up and preparing for when they come back. I had to do their makeup again after they were done with their preformance. I had to make their make-up seem a bit more natural now for an interview. From my perifiral vision I saw a tall, lean figure aproach me. 

"Leila?" I heard a deep voice with a British accent I would know anywhere. I looked at him and saw that he looked rather nervous making me suspicious.

"Yeah?" I answered, pretending to not be very interested in him when all I wanted to do was pounce on him and stroke his curls... don't judge me, I already told you, I'm a Directioner which affects the amount of sanity I have.

 "Well, I was wondering if your free tomorow..." He said trailing off at the end waiting for my answer. Oh my gosh, he just asked me out didn't he?

"Depends." I said instead of flipping my shit. He seemed to regain his confidence and flashed me his signature heart stopping smirk.

"On what?" He asked me shoving a hand in his front pocket and leaning against the counter.

"What we're doing and where." He chuckled.

"We're going to go to the North Pole and hunt Rudolph and his brothers." I rolled my eyes but, couldn't help but smile.

"How about we just meet up at the Cafe near the mall, just so we can get to know each other?" He asked as I hesitated to think about what I was doing tomorrow. Tomorrow was my fatty day were I ate anything fattening that exists in this world ,but I guess it wouldn't kill me to postpone it.

"Fine." I said as I heard the girls voices float through the studio as they were preforming their single 'Wings'. 

"Give me your number so I can text you what time." He said, even though he could simply just tell me what time. I recited my number to him and he saved it in his phone. 

"See you tomorrow, here's my number." He said as he passed me he placed a piece of paper in my back pocket slyly. I blushed and I guess he saw it because the smirk was evident to any eyes as he walked to were Zayn and Liam was. I sat down in the Leigh-Annes chair -where she gets her hair and makeup done- and took out the paper and had what I assumed was his number. Surely enough, there was his number on the small paper.

How much I was going to go through because of this conversation was beyond my imagination.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2012 ⏰

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