Where They Went, Where I Hid Them

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A loud clash sounded behind me as I ran towards safety. Afraid to look back as I jumped into my room, I slammed the door and sat against it. Her rushed banging began to slam on the door as she tried to force her way in. She began to shout base words at me when the door wouldn't budge in her favor.

"Leave me alone Alice!" Her banging suddenly stopped. I incredulously opened the door after a while-just a little bit- to see the empty halls. I carefully looked for any signs of her dark brown hair creeping from around the corners. When I couldn't see her, I slumped back behind my door taking deep breaths to recollect myself. My eyes automatically stuck to the dark, oak wood doors of my closet. I instantly felt chills creeping down my neck. We had moved to this house not to long ago and the only thing that disturbed me was this odd closet that didn't seem to fit the look of anything else in the house. Every moment I get close to it I have felt a chill as if someone was cleaving to my shoulders with an adamant grip. What creeped me out the most about the closet was how sometimes I could swear that I heard a faint whisper pleading for something. Before I realized what was going on I had just barely evaded the opening door behind me. An extremely tall figure now stood in front of the door watching me. His dark brown eyes showed slight irritation as he shook his head. Alice stood close by our Dad with her devilish smile as she moved her wrist in a small wave.

"Why did you take Alice's cat again, Ariella?" Confused, I looked at them both for a moment before realizing what was happening. I glanced around for the white fur that would signify Alice's small cat toy. My eyes narrowed on the closet as the wind whisked around my face.

"I didn't take it Dad, I swear. Alice is just-"

"Don't be contentious Ariella." I looked at my feet to avoid eye contact while not wanting to face his fury. With a sense of effrontery Alice walked into my room and opened the closet to reveal its empty racks, and the small toy that was placed on the floor. I watched her smile as she walked out and closed the door behind her. Dad's eyes softened as he seemed to notice my unease since I was still staring at the closet. I was trying to see if my eyes were mistaking the small, dark shape that seemed to be curled up in the corner, but Dad had shut the doors before I could come to a conclusion. I snapped out of my trance once my Dad's deep voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Ariella?" His eyes were clouded with worry; I didn't notice I wasn't breathing until I cleared my throat.

"I'm alright Dad. Am I going to be grounded again..." My voice trailed off as I heard the harsh crash of the front door closing. He glanced down the halls and took a deep breath before ruffling my hair.

"I'll make sure that doesn't happen Ella. Haven't I taught you not to steal enough through inculcation, or taught you enough by repetition in simpler words?" I wrapped my hands around my Dad and buried my face in his shirt.

"Yes." I mumbled. To him it must have looked like I just wanted to give him a hug but in truce, I was terrified since I had caught the strange whisper of, "I can make them disappear." Dad ruffled my hair up a little bit again before leaving to talk to my Mother. I glanced at the mirror in the room at my reflection. I had long auburn hair that was a tangled mess and my bright blue-green eyes stuck out like a sore thumb. My skin had a pale tone compared to everyone else in my family. It kind of made me look almost ghostly. I was prepared to step out of my room since beguiling myself that the whispers were just my imagination wasn't working as the cold grip had gotten a lot stronger than it has been and I couldn't take it anymore.

I stepped into the living room being imperceptible by anyone. My Mother was complaining as usual about work not caring that I was standing right beside her.


"What!" She snapped, clearly annoyed by my presence. I felt irritated for a moment as I looked at her while her face fumed with anger.

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