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okay, like I have in my other story, this is an au!!!! the kids in this story are all 17-18 so don't trip. enjoy!! lowercase intended

first period was just about to start when richie sat in his seat next to eddie, stan and bill. everyone took their seats and listened to the boring ass teacher talk for 40 minutes straight. richie sat with his feet on the desk in front of him, laying back while chewing strawberry-flavored gum. eddie took notes for himself and richie; mostly because richie was never the one to take notes. it's not like richie asked him to do it, eddie just wanted him to actually graduate with him next year.

"psst, wanna skip gym first period tomorrow?" richie whispered to eddie, who simply nodded yes and shrugged. "excuse me richard please get your legs off the desk." the teacher said loudly, bringing all the attention to him and him only. 

"yeah as soon as you give me a decent grade." he popped his gum loudly, making the entire class laugh quietly.

"Mr. Tozier, now or go to the office." the teacher said sternly and the class all went 'oooo' loudly.

"Okie dokie! office i go!" richie said and sighed, handing a note to eddie.

richie walked out and the class all tried not to laugh as the teacher tried to teach the lesson again. eddie sighed and opened the note, which read

'meet me in the bathroom, like, now 
<3 ur fav    -richie'

eddie quickly rose his hand and asked for the restroom, the teacher excused him and he walked to the bathroom rather quickly, to see richie sitting on the counter, staring at him.

"richie what do you need, i am taking notes for the both of us you know and i don't need the-" richie walked over to him and hugged him, shushing him quickly. 

"don't worry about it babe, we can get the notes from stan or bill later, okay?" he kissed eddie softly on the forehead and the smaller boy sighed while looking up at the taller one. 

"i love you but we can't keep doing this here richie..we could get caught or-" eddie was cut off by a small peck. 

"what did i just say? it will be okay eds" he lifted the smaller boy up onto the counter and chuckled at his boyfriend's flushed face.

"Jesus richie you sure do know how to talk, would you shut it and kiss me already?" eddie said as he pulled his boyfriend closer, kissing him. richie's hands went straight to eddies face and deepened the kiss, whilst softly gliding his tongue along eddie's bottom lip; and right as things were about to get heated, the door creaked open slowly and the boys had to act quickly.

"do you ever just leave me alone-"

"Yeah well, maybe you shouldn't be such a pussy and stand up for yourself" Richie softly grabbed the smaller one's throat and threatened to squeeze. the door then opened and the two kept faking the argument, the boy walking in apologized and ran out.

"fuck baby im so sorry-" richie said quietly when he realized eddie was actually crying. he quickly wiped the tears away with his thumb and eddie started to laugh.

"why are you laughing?" he said quickly and looked at his boyfriend, who just wiped his face and stopped crying.

"man i am a good actor-" he was cut off by a pair of lips on his, rough and chapped, possibly bleeding from richie biting them all the time.

"you little bitch you fucking scared me eds! i thought i hurt you!" 

"richie i need to get back to class, ill meet you at the car after school okay?" he pecked the dark-haired males cheek and rushed out. richie just smiled to himself and looked at himself in the mirror, no big blocky glasses, he had gotten contacts now and his mess of a mop he called hair was longer and more curly. but he liked it like that. he was much taller and wore more comfy clothes. he was currently wearing a sweater that stan had gotten him for his birthday last year and he didn't look like old richie at all. 

when high school came around, everyone sorta. split. the only people he hung out with now were eddie, stan and bill, that and no one knew about him and eddie, everyone just thought that richie was the dickhead bully who always beat him up, which is never the case. 

the bell rang loudly signaling school was out, richie started for his locker to get his things, then for his car.

"he better not be late." 

richie texted the group chat!

richie: where tf are you guys

stan: on our way richie fuck off

bill: language stan..

richie: eddie get out yet? or is that dick teacher holding him back?
richie: wait are you guys with him?

bill: no??

stan: no i think the teacher is holding him back.

seen by richie

this super sucks! enjoy the first chapter xoxo

lover - reddie auNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ