Black Lake

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When her parents started fighting,

She was a meek age of thirteen

When the heat was high she was never seen

She heard every word, every whisper.

He world crumbled down around her

When it had just started,

She tried to make it stop.

But instead he turned on her,

Told her she was worth naught.

After so much repetition the words then sank in,

And she fell into a black lake,

Where she knew she couldn't swim.

What would you do if you saw her?

Would you go ahead and say,

That girl is not worth saving,

Then go on your merry way?

If you knew her story,

Would it be better or worse?

Then would you try and save her?

Because she sure as hell didn't ask for this curse.

Physical pain is better than emotion.

So she began to scratch her skin.

She always told herself

'My life wasn't meant to begin'

As scratches turned to cuts,

And redness into blood,

She realised that maybe there is indeed a God.

For there was a boy,

Who saw past the fake smiles,

Who noticed the small things,

Like checking her wrists were covered every once in a while.

He saw a girl hiding in shame.

But this boy, he didn't know her name.

And he never would.

For she was scared,

Though she'd never admit,

Of falling in love,

Into that bottomless pit.

A fear of pulling them to the bottom of the black lake with her.

What did he do when he saw her?

He told himself,

'That girl is worth saving'

And put his plan into play.

He didn't know her story,

But that didn't make it worse.

He was so determined to save her,

Because he knew she didn't ask for this curse.

He didn't give her a choice,

As he called out with his quiet voice,

'I'm going to help you,

Wether you like it or not,

I've seen the real you,

I'm not going to let you lose'

So he dove into the black lake

And went to her aid.

And through this act,

A tight bond was made.

A bond that soon blossomed into love.

Love turned to marriage.

Marriage into family.

And even now on her darker days

He has to remind her of this.

What did I do when I saw you?

I said that you were worth saving.

Must I remind you that I fell I love with you that day?

I didn't know your story

But my feelings were still true.

And even though you have this curse,

Nothing ever could be worse

Than you not knowing that




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