Chapter 7

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Arnold and Coach Wittenberg sat across from Mr. Simmons in his living room. A kettle of tea was on the table between them, as well as a platter of cookies; Wittenberg took a couple in his hand and munched on them audibly, leaving crumbs all over the sofa. If this had fazed Mr. Simmons, he didn't show it, save for the foot rocking as he held a cup of tea on his knee.

"Is a reason you wanted to see me today?" Mr. Simmons said, evenly.

"Yes," said Arnold. "Actually...WE had something to say...right?" Arnold nudged Coach Wittenberg in his side; nearly causing him to drop the cookies still in his hand.

"Oh, right," said Coach Wittenberg. "We-uh...we'd like to have you back on the team."

Mr. Simmons said nothing, his face impassive.

Wittenberg rubbed the back of his neck in the uneasy silence. "Playoffs have started have a better way with the children and all that. Working around their idiosyncrasies and peccadillos and such. What I'm trying to say is...we need you to coach the team. Actually coach, not this co-coaching business."

Mr. Simmons took a sip from his teacup then set it back on the table. "Well, I do miss being on the field."

"And the rest of the kids and I really miss you," added Arnold. "Please, Mr. Simmons...."

"I'm willing to come back, but only on a few conditions..."

"Of course, anything," said Arnold.

"First, I get to execute some of my plays. Second, we get to try some healthier post-match restaurants; I know of a place that makes vegan ice cream."

"Okay..." said Coach Wittenberg uneasily.

"And third," Mr. Simmons focused his eye contact directly on Coach Wittenberg. "You will no longer address me by that...loathsome name,"

"Oh, sure, sure, of course!" insisted Coach Wittenberg. "I promise! Cross my heart and hope to exsanguinate!"

Only then did Mr. Simmons begin to soften and a smile crept onto his lips. "Alright, then. You have a deal."

He extended his hand across the table and Coach Wittenberg accepted it in a shake.

At that moment, Peter appeared and set a second tray of treats on the table, which Coach Wittenberg promptly attacked.

"You have to try these, Arnold," insisted Mr. Simmons. "Peter cooked them entirely from scratch."

Arnold took a bite. "They're delicious! What are they?"

"It's my own recipe!" Peter said proudly. "I call them 'Peter's Famous Granola Balls''"!

Coach Wittenberg practically choked on what was in his mouth. Arnold nudges him harshly again in the side; Coach Wittenberg coughed for several seconds.

"It's....delicious?" he said hoarsely.

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