Bad Boys Do It Better

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Walking through the gates of my school, I mentally groan as I picture the day ahead: Double maths followed by English, Science and History. I don't think the lessons could get any worse than that. I adjust the strap of my rucksack that hangs half empty over my left shoulder and push through the crowds of teenagers that fill the school grounds. I quickly spot my group of mates, lounging on one of the picnic benches as usual. When I reach the table I'm greeted with a chorus of 'hellos'.

"And hello to you all too!" I laugh and plonk down on the bench next to my best friend Hayley (a tall girl with waist length dark brown hair and sparkling blue eyes). She sees the look of annoyance on my face and scoots over to throw an arm round my shoulder.

"What's up, Hun?"

"Nothing. Just shit lessons today." I lean forward to rest my elbow on the table and my chin on my palm.

"They really that bad?" Milly asks, lifting up her sunglasses as she sprawls across the picnic table, soaking up the sun.

"Double maths first should be enough to convince you." I sigh.

"Yeah, that pretty much sucks." She agrees, placing her sunglasses back on her ski slope nose. Milly's the typical blonde hair, blue eyed, beauty with the perfect petite figure and endless amounts of clothes to show it off. But she's an absolute sweetheart and I don't know what I'd do without her or the rest of my mates for that matter.

"Hey, Lulu! What's with the frown?" Jamie asks as he comes bounding up to our table. He places a kiss on Milly's lips before sitting down across from me. What I must mention is that, in case it wasn't quite obvious, Jamie and Milly are dating and have been for almost a year. They've always been good friends and I don't think I have to tell you the almost too cliché tale of two best friends finally realising their feelings for one another. I've been best friends with Jamie since nursery and became close with Milly in Juniors and up until last year they were the only ones who didn't see the obvious feelings they had for each other.

"Double maths." Milly replies for me, not moving an inch.

"Is that it? C'mon, Lulu! Stop being such a drama queen!" Jamie pokes me and I just glare at him. "And you're giving me the death stare, why?" He frowns.

"Because one: I'm not being a drama queen and two: you know I hate being called Lulu!"

"I think it's cute." Flo, the shy girl in the group, pipes up, peaking over the top of her book. She has curly light brown hair and pale green eyes making her look slightly like a shy little mouse.

"Which is exactly why it doesn't work on me." I am definitely not cute. I don't have petite little features, a sweet button nose, or pretty flowing hair. I have longish wavey brown hair, dark brown eyes and to top it off I'm really tall. And not the kind of tall that seems elegant and feminine. The kind of tall that means you tower above almost everyone else and every relative comments on your height every single time you see them.

"Well what are we supposed to call you then?" Jamie huffs. "You hate Lulu. You hate Lucy. And Lucinda is such a mouthful!"

"It's hardly a mouthful, Jamie." Heather says from where she's been sat unusually quiet at the end of the bench. She pushes herself up from her seat. "I've gotta go hand in some homework to Mr Kips so I'll catch up with you guys later." She waves a goodbye and walks off towards one of the five school buildings, her long, almost black, straight hair, flowing out behind her.

"What's up with Miss Sulky?" Jamie asks, jerking his thumb over his shoulder in the direction Heather walked off in.

"She's always sulky." Milly replies, as she inspects herself in her compact.

The bell then rings through the school announcing the first period: i.e Tutor.

We all sigh and push ourselves reluctantly up off the bench. I smile as I see Jamie, being the gentlemen he is, offer his hand to Milly, carefully helping her down from the table.

They're so cute it's unbelievable!

We all walk off in our own directions, Milly with Hayley, Jamie meeting with our other friend Kyle outside his Tutor room, Flo on her own, her nose still inside her book and me also on my own.

I reach the building where my tutor is and walk inside the building, only to be pulled sideways against the wall.

"Hey!" I exclaim as I look up at Josh, the school hearthrob and general man whore. Despite only turning 16 two months ago (not that that really fazed him) he's slept with almost all of the girls in our year and it's his aim to make it all of them (excluding girls he doesn't deem good enough). And apparently I'm his next victim. He has me pressed against the wall, his hand wrapped around my arm as he watches me with a smirk. Urgh that smirk. That smirk, is the thing that Josh is constantly wearing. And oh how much I'd love to slap it right off his annoyingly beautiful face. I hate to admit it but Josh is extremely hot. He has light brown hair that's constantly messy but in that sexy way that he effortlessly pulls of. His blue eyes hold a look of arrogance at all times which just makes me want to smack him even more.

"Hey, Lucy." He smirks, leaning even closer. Does this guy have any sense of personal space?!

"Get off me!" I growl, fighting against his grip.

"Now, now sweetie. Calm your pretty little head." I stop fighting against him for a second and glare at him long and hard. "You know you don't want to fight me really." He curls a piece of my hair round his finger and I watch his face carefully. He looks back up from my hair and smirks as he sees me watching him. "See something you like?" He winks and I roll my eyes.

"Just get off me, Josh." I try pushing him again but this time he places his hands either side of my head and looks me in the eye.

"And why should I?" Ohhh he's seriously pushing it now!

"Because you're annoying the hell out of me and I have to get to Tutor." I try to duck under his arm but he moves his arm down by my waist, blocking my escape.

"Well there's no point worrying about that because you're too late for Tutor now anyway." Just as I'm about to ask him what on earth he's on about, the second bell rings, announcing that every student should now be in their class. I peer over Josh's shoulder and see that the hallway is now empty and it's just me and him left alone.

I gulp and meet his eyes that are full of lust as he looks me up and down.

"Get lost, Horny." I roll my eyes and make another useless attempt to escape. This time he must have had enough because he grabs me by the waist so I'm unable to move from his grip.

"It's pointless going to Tutor so why don't you come with me and we can have some fun?" He winks and I fight the urge to role my eyes again. There's only way out of this.

I lean forward and ignoring the disgust that my conscience is openly expressing, I press my lips against his neck. He moans as I nip lightly at the skin, working my way up to his ear where I let my lips graze it as I whisper: "Remember this moment because that is the most you're ever going to get from me." I quickly slip out of his grip that has momentarily loosened and dash down the hall, away from Josh.

As I reach my class I take a sigh of relief at managing to get away from Josh.

But unfortunately I have the feeling that isn't going to be the last I see or hear of Josh.


Sorry if this chapter isn't very exciting but just needed a sort of introduction to the main people but there's more details to come!

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