×chapter one×

352 34 5

J O R D A N ≈

After a lifetime of organizing and rearranging, my apartment finally feels at home. I've gotten used to the people and the smells, and just about everything seems chill. As soon as I started setting up everything to record a new Cube SMP episode, a loud strumming noise makes it's way to my ears. I've never heard it before, but it was beautiful. Curiosity got the better of me, and before I knew it I was wandering down the hall looking for where it was coming from.  As soon as I found the place it was coming from, I sat up against the door and listened, and listened. After an hour the music finally stopped, and a loud sigh came from the room. I stood up quickly and knocked on the door, but immediately regretted it once she opened the door.

There stood a girl who had dried mascara from crying on her cheeks, tangled hair, and a wrinkled dress. She stood just a centimeter taller than I was with her heels, and her skin was surprisingly a shade paler than mine was. The dark leather of my jacket matched her hair, and her eyes were like an ocean, you could easily become lost and drown in them. Her dark red lips moved slowly as she greeted me.

"Um, hi. Is there a problem?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"No, I was just wondering how long you've played guitar." I asked, not thinking about what I was saying.

"Fourteen years, why are you asking? Was there a problem with the noise, or?" she asked looking down the hall.

"It's beautiful, that's all. I'm Jordan." 

She nodded, and looked at me groggily. She motioned for me to enter, despite the time of day. Her apartment was sleekly modern, with a touch of something unique here and there. I sat down on her white leather couch and looked at her as she picked up her wine glass and took a sip. I felt a bit discouraged for a second, she couldn't be 21 years old, could she?

"Want some?" she asked.

"No thanks, I'm under age." I replied with a sigh.

"So am I, but I don't stop my brother when he brings me some." she said, and my confidence was immediately boosted.

I smiled. "What song were you playing a second ago?" I asked, looking at her with my head tilted.

"It was just something I made up," she said, shrugging. "I haven't played that god damned thing in a month."

Silence filled our conversation. "So what exactly is your name, and how old are you?" I asked.

"I'm Mary Sue, 19 years old, lived in Seattle for --"

"Wait, so you're telling me your name --"

"Yes, my name is Mary Sue." she said rolling her eyes.

"Pretty ironic for a girl like you." I remarked with a smirk.

"Look, I kind of want to get drunk right now, and if you aren't going to join me then I'd suggest you leave." she said, pointing to the door. "Maybe if I feel like playing guitar again I'll get you."

"Okay, that's cool. I live in 709." I said getting up to leave.

"Bye Jordan." she said opening a wine bottle.

"Bye Mary Sue." I said shutting her door behind me. I trudged back to my apartment and slumped down in my couch. My brother hurried past me and looked at me for a second.

"Did you hear that loud noise? Sounded great but I hope it isn't going to be a big problem." he remarked, scratching his neck. 

He thought the noise was going to be the worst of our problems.



i put it off for a while ;-; but please vote if you enjoy and um bye

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2014 ⏰

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