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"I'm glad you're officially a clansmen Hima.  I would say a part of HOMRA but you have always been one of us." Izumo congratulated the blushing female.  Happiness showing on her face as the rest of the clan congratulated her.  She gave a small bow since she had the full attention of the clan.  "I just wanted to say how appreciative I am of each of your friendships.  Thank you for accepting me as a new member of HOMRA.  Thank you for every memory we've made." 

"I'm gonna take a breather outside for a few minutes if you guys need me." Himawari smiled as she headed out the front entrance. Receiving nods and 'okays' from the guys. 

Izumo poured a drink and set it in front of Mikoto.  A sly smirk played at Izumo's mouth. "Hima has a new glow about her huh king?  Did you happen to give her more than one gift?" Mikoto only replied with a grunt, still having pent up frustration from the earlier interruption.  Cleaning a glass Izumo proceeded to question the redhead. "Well?  Something else had happen between the two of you.  Surely just being gifted with red wouldn't cause her to be so flustered as she was when she came downstairs with you."  

Taking a swig of his drink, Mikoto turned his head to the side. But not before Izumo caught the almost unapparent smile on the king's face. Izumo couldn't help but smile, knowing that his two best friends would end up together sooner or later.  Hoping for the former.  He knew about the way Himawari cared for Mikoto and vice versa.  'It's only a matter of time.'  Izumo thought.


Himawari was finished locking the cafe's door when she turned around to be met with a firm chest.  Her head rising up to see the face of the man she bumped into.  "Reisi?  What are you doing here?"  A chuckle resonating from him.  "I was making my way to the park and spotted you. I thought I could walk you home since I missed your birthday.  We haven't spoken in some time.  Maybe we could catch up."

"The park?  At this hour?"  She looked at the time to see it was later than ten. "Yes.  I like to take quiet strolls still.  What do you say?  Can I have the pleasure of walking you home?"  She didn't see any harm in being escorted home.  Especially this late at night.  "Sure."  She gave him a closed eye smile as she slipped on her cardigan.  

"Did you do anything to celebrate your birthday?"  He looked down to her.  Her face turning red as she remembered the events.  Keeping the moment with Mikoto to herself.  "Um, I just spent the night with the guys from HOMRA.  I share a birthday with one of them so they threw a small gathering at the bar."  Irritation clearly apparent on Reisi's face.  Himawari being around the red clan infuriated the blue king.  Especially the short tempered red king.  

"You need to be careful around them Himwari.  They are nothing but trouble."  She looked forward.  "They mean no harm Reisi.  I've been around them long enough and I've been friends with Izu since childhood.  Sure they're not as mature as you are, but they're good people.  They're my friends."  How would Reisi feel towards Himawari, if he ever found out that Mikoto had made her a clansmen?

They were about three blocks away from her apartment when Himawari started to feel a bit warm.  She put her black hair up in a bun to try to cool her down.  Ever since she received her red, staying warm was no longer a problem.  As it was the beginning of November and she was wearing a thicker cardigan.  A mistake on her part.  But it wouldn't be the only one she would make tonight.  As they reached the door of her apartment, she had to step in front of Reisi.  Her head bent down as she went to unlock her door, Reisi took notice of the new mark on her neck.  His blood boiling in anger.  He hurriedly pushed her into the apartment and grabbed her arm, forcefully making her face him.

"Reisi what are you doing?"  She then took notice of the rage written expression.  "What the hell is that mark doing on your neck?"  His voice didn't rise but the anger was obviously there.  'Oh crap.'  She thought.  Becoming slightly fearful of the man standing before her.  Of all the years she's known and been with Reisi, she's never seen him angry towards her.  Yes, she's witnessed him angered.  Never once did he yell.  He always seemed to remain calm and that's what made him someone to fear.  She knew of his dislike of the red clan. Especially his dislike towards Mikoto.  She found out it was due to them both being kings.  

"I'll ask you one more time Himawari.  Why the hell is that mark on you?  What did Suoh do?"  He brought their faces closer.  He was trying to intimidate her to get an answer. And boy was it working.  She looked down nervously.  "I-I.."

"Answer me now Himawari.  I won't ask you again." He yanked her arm firmly to pull her closer.  "Mi-iko gifted his red to me-e as a present for myy-y birthday!" She squeezed her eyes shut as she felt his grip on her arm tighten.  Reisi was becoming possessive of her once again.  Raging that the red king would do such a thing. "Why the hell did you accept it?" 

"I-I didn't know that's what he was doing Reisi..I swear!"  He looked into her eyes to notice she had a new glint to them.  "He just took a hold of my hands and-" Before she could finish, he interrupted the shaking girl.  "What else?"  Knowing he only become more irate if she told him what really happened. She didn't go into all the details to avoid more conflict.  "He just held my hands and gave me the red clan's power.."  

"Did anything else happen?"  He looked at her sternly knowing she wasn't telling the whole truth.   "Nothing!"  She turned from his gaze.  Reisi felt betrayal from the women that his heart still yearned for.  He was full of rage and possessiveness.  Anger towards Mikoto.  He grabbed the back of Himawari's head and smashed his lips to hers.  Kissing her with such dominant passion and anger.  Himawari was shocked.  Only to be forced out her stupor state when she felt her back slam against the door of her bedroom. 

"Reisi-i.." Her voice quivered as he brought his lips to her neck.  Automatically going for her sweet spot.  He held her arms above her head with one hand and his other made it's way up her shirt. Caressing her curves. Her voice still hitched in her throat at the pleasure. "Reisi..."  This only caused the male to continue further.  Hearing her sweet voice say his name with perversion, drove him to claim what once was his. 

"I'm going to show that damn Suoh that you belong to me."  At the mention of Mikoto, Himawari snapped out of the arousing trance she was in.  She pushed Reisi off of her.  "Reisi, leave."  She turned her back to the blue king.  Himawari became angry with herself.  She couldn't believe she was about to give herself to Reisi.  When she knew where her heart belonged.

Realization hit Reisi at her request.  The betrayal worsened as he walked away.  Slamming the front door as he left.  

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