Part 17

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"No!" I yelled as I grabbed his hand and moved it away from Nagisa's head. "Your not allowed to die! Do you hear me Nagisa?!?!?!" I yelled at him as I slammed my hand through the knife. "(y/n)! Why did you just hurt yourself?!??" Nagisa yelled hoping I would take my hand out of the knife. "N-Nagisa you can't die, do you know why?" I asked. "N-No" Nagisa replied looking deep into my (c/e). "It's because if you died then what would happen to-" I couldn't finish what I wanted to say due to the blood coming out of my body. Nagisa how did you do survive that fall? Please don't make me find out Nagisa killed him self due to me passing out. Nagisa please don't kill anyone else.

Nagisa POV: "N-no please didn't die right? I'm the who was supposed to die....not you" I said with tears coming down my face. "Don't worry Nagisa she's not dead" Said Koro sensei. "How do you know" I asked. "Because I love her~" Said Koro Sensei. "WHAT?!?!?!" I shouted.

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